(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 20:45

x Full Name: Vanessa LeeAnn Collier
x Birthday: 08-07-89
x Zodiac: Leo

x What time is it?: 8:46 p.m.
x What is the date?: June 21, 2005
x Other Names Your Parents Considered: i wouldn't know

--------------------Standard Stuff----------------------------
x School: JJK
x Eyes: Blue and Green when i get mad
x Hair: Blonde
x Height: 5'5
x Shoe Size: 8
x Who lives with you? Mom sometimes dad
x When is your bedtime? I don't have a bed time

--------------------In the Last 48 Hours-----------------------
x Cried: No
x Worn jeans: Yes
x Met someone new: Yes
x Done laundry: No
x Cursed: Yea
x Watched a Movie: Yea Batman Begins
x Went to the movies: Yea refer to the above content
x Went shopping: Nope
x Gotten sick: Nope
x Been kissed: May-b
x Given a kiss: May-b
x Lied: Probably

----------------------Have You Ever-------------------------
x Missed school cause of weather: Yeah
x Lit yourself on fire: No but I thought about lighting someone else on fire
x Kept a secret from everybody: Yes
x Had an imaginary friend: No I had real friends when i was little
x Ever been in love w/ a friend: i am sure that i have..
x Cried during a Movie? Yes The Notebook
x Had crush on an teacher? Yea, come on who hasnt had a crush on Smurff
x Been on stage: Yes
x Cut your own hair: Yea tryed that once
x Done drugs: No
x Seen a murder: I hope not
x Seen a naked man in the flesh: Well there was that one time...
x Seen a naked woman in the flesh: When i was coming out of my mom i think she was naked if that counts
x Wanted to have sex: no comment...

------------------------Your Firsts------------------------------
x First best friend: Jennie Ryan
x First real break-up: Kevin Begley or Nick Reese
x First self purchased album: Britney Spears
x First piercing/tattoo: Ears and then belly button..
x First enemy: I dont speak of her it makes me mad thinkin about it
x First big trip: Big..New York i guess..
x First failing grade: Algebra 2

----------------------In the Last Week -------------------
x Been mean: to Josh Whitt but i didnt mean to...
x Been sarcastic: I am most of the time...
x Talked to someone you have a crush on: Yeap every night...
x Hugged someone: I do every day..
x Fought with your parents: I do that about 3 times a day
x Got in an argument with your best friend: No lynsey is too much like me you gotta love her..
x Laughed until you cried: When Lynsey and I are together we do all the time...
x Played Truth or Dare: Hold on Lynsey just dared me to go outside and flash some cars...
x Watched a sunrise/sunset: Havent found someone that i wanted to
x Went to the beach at night: Not latley...

-------------------Who Did this Last-----------------
x Called you: Lynsey
x Slept in your bed: Me
x Saw you cry: Ok i dont cry...
x Made you cry: Like i said I dont cry...
x Made you laugh: Lynsey
x You shared a drink with: What kind of drink?
x You went to the movies with: Me, Mason, Lynsey and Scaggs
x Went to dinner with: my G-ma
x Bought you something: My G-ma
x Sent you an email: Jennie

-------------------------- Extras -----------------------------
x Black or white?: Black
x TV or movie?: Movie
x Cat or dog?: Dog
x Walmart or target?: Walmart
x Spring or Fall?: Spring cause i like to smell flowers..
x Sun or rain?: Sun cause its yellow and i like yellow
x What are you gonna do after this?: I am at Lynsey's and her parents arent here so that could mean a lot of things...
x What was the last meal you ate?: Pizza
x High school or college?: College cause we have dorm rooms..haha
x Are you bored?: No Lynsey is sittin beside me...
x Last TV show you watched?: Strip Search..
x Last movie you saw in theaters?: Batman Begins
x Last noise you heard?: Lynsey's mouth
x Last smell you smelled?: Daniel man he stinks....

x Shampoo: Bio Straight and Sleek from Bath and Body Works...
x Favorite color: Pink, Blue, Black...
x Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Summer!!
x Favorite Cartoon Character: i cant remember that last time i watched cartoons...
x Favorite Fast Food: Pizza Hut
x Favorite Movies: Batman Begins;; Mr. and Mrs. Smith;; Coyote Ugly;; Honey;; The Notebook;;
x Favorite sport: Volleyball, Football, basically anything that involves balls :)

---------------------What are You?-------------------------
x Wearing: Some guys shirt and a pair of shorts..
x Thinking about: Someone Special...
x Listening to: None of your business<-- haha that is a song.. by Salt and Pepa

------------------------Have You Ever -----------------------
x Been to Canada?: In my dreams
x Danced Naked?: yea in the shower...
x Skinny dipped?: um.. when i was in 5th grade.. but i didnt have anything at the time so i dunno if that counts...
x Stalked someone?: Lynsey and I do it all the time to hott guys...
x Snuck out?: may-b
x Wished you were the opposite sex?: No i like being a girl but i no ppl that do...

------------------------ Random ----------------------------
x Are you bored?: No like i said Lynsey is sittin beside me...
x Are you lonely?: Please dont bring up that song.. no i am not...
x Are you happy?: Yes very
x Do you drink?: On occasion
x Who named you?: Somebody that was at the hospital when i was born...
x When was the last time you showered?: This morning..
x What color pants do you have on right now?: Blue Vols shorts i stole off my sis...
x What song are you listening to right now?: None of your business.. and Don't Cha
x What color is your shirt?: White with water all over it..
x What is right next to you?: Lynsey Marie Dean
x What is your computer desk made of?: How much Wood could a Wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck would...
x What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?: 3820 or 7969
x Are you eating anything?: Not yet...
x What did you do last night?: Talked on the phone for a long time..
x How are you today?: Wonderful

------------------------- Extras ----------------------------
x What book are you reading now?: I just got finished with the notebook...
x Nickname: Nessa or Bud (not the beer)
x Pets: None... too much of a hassle.. but Lynsey's dog is big enough that we can share..
x Siblings: Becky Leslie and Sarah
x Have you ever been so drunk you didn't remember that you were drunk: ????
x Gone out in public in your pajamas(where): yea cause what i am wearin right now could be considered p.j.'s
x Played ding-dong-ditch?: No i dont think so unless u count doin it too my g-ma...
x Wanted to hook up with a friend/date them: i dont think so...
x Did something illegal?: too many to count..
x Did you get caught?: Never do i am very cautious
x Gotten arrested?: Nope
x Gotten a ticket for something?: Umm.. i wouldnt be doing this survey if i had.. let's just say i would be dead already...
x Prank called someone: Can't say that I have but Lynsey and Brit do all the time...

---------------------Do You Believe In----------------------
x Yourself: Of course...
x Santa Claus: I believe in my mom
x Tooth Fairy: That is my mom too
x Destiny/Fate: Yes
x Angels: Yeah
x God: YES
x Bigfoot: I dunno man Nathaniel Baker has some big feet...
x Boogyman: After I watched the movie yes...

--------------------Friends and Life------------------------
x Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: You could say that...
x Do you like anyone?: um.. refer to the above content...
x What's the best feeling in the world: to know that you are loved..
x Worst Feeling: dieing..
x Worst fear: ok we would be here all day...
x Time now: 9:22 p.m.

x Last car ride: Like an hour ago
x Last good cry: i dont cry..
x Last library book checked out: about 3 weeks ago and i need to return those...
x Last beverage drank: Coke and will be BAWLS in a few minutes...
x Last shoes worn: Tennis shoes...
x Last thing bought: Bathing Suit, Panies, shirt, necklace
x Last annoyance: Lynsey's stupid brother...
x Last disappointment: um.. i dont think he would want me to say..
x Last time scolded: Like when i was 2
x Last shirt worn: um.. the one on my back?
x Last website visited: my photobucket...

I stole that off of Danielle.. Today i have been to the track twice.. once with Jennie and once with lynz and I ate Pizza twice today too, once with Jennie and once with Lynsey. Lynsey and i went and saw Brit and to Dairy Queen, drove her cuz around for a while and then went to her G-ma's. And that leaves me in front of her computer doing this...

Leave me some comments :)
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