I've been in love with this dress ever since I saw it. The color and the dress are both amazing. So I went to the fabric store today and found a light satin that looks very close to the fabric color used in the movie. It was only $4 a yard so I fell to my desire to make this dress and bought 8 yards of it. It ended up being $32, not bad for that much fabric.
So yes, I'm making this dress lol. I know its not going to be 100% accurate. I'm going to have to change a few things to fit my body type better. I have large breasts so I'll have to tape myself down in order to wear it. I also am going to move up the tie around part so it sits more at my waist instead of my hips. But I'm soo excited about making this dress. Hopefully I'll be able to wear it for a little bit at Dragon*Con.
Here is the picture of the fabric I got. For some reason the color won't come out very well. I tried to adjust the color so it is closer to the color, but it's still off. I promise in real life it is just lovely.
The way it came out:
Adjusted color: