Untitled #20

Oct 29, 2009 10:09

Ya'll know the drill.

The top of my back was cold, the bottom wet. A trickle of water slid down the back of my neck, between my shoulder blades and sunk into the water. I felt it, slowly, deliberately working its way farther and farther down. And then...it was gone. My head rested on cold tile. Well, it wasn't cold anymore. My body heat had warmed it up to a sufficient temperature. I could feel sweat forming at my hairline, coming together to form a mini-army of water droplets which would inevitably roll down my forehead, hit the fork in the road known as my nose and hang there, threatening to drop right on Dan.

Dan. After our dance in the rain, we had decided to run water in the tub, relaxing in the water, together. We didn't need to talk. No, we had done plenty of that already. We wanted to feel another body beating next to ours. One that didn't demand anything but to be there. To exist. Thank god I had decided to put an extra large tub in my bathroom. It would have been awkward trying to fit into anything smaller.

He sat between my legs, his feet resting on top of two towels on either side of the faucet. With my arms wrapped around his chest, under the water, we just stopped to spend time together. Perfect, glorious us time. His head rested on my chest, turned to the right. Had I been able to see the waterline, I would have known it perfectly bisected his nipples. But we had put bubble bath in the tub, creating an unending amount of bubbles and suds. Every once in a while I would bend my head down and kiss his head. His only response was a smile. I couldn't see it; I felt it, his cheek moving against my chest.

I reached for the glass of wine I brought up with us. Coconut. Perfect for the weather and the atmosphere. Bringing the plastic glass to my lips, I inhaled the aroma, letting the coconut transport me...us...somewhere else. Somewhere it wasn't so warm, so humid.

God, was it humid. Even with the air on and my standing fan in the bathroom, it was close to oppressive. We'd need a shower after this, I told myself before we got into the tub. My mind didn't provide the smart ass answer this time. My cock did. It agreed with me.

We listened as the rain continued to patter on the roof above us, dripping down the eaves and into the gutters. Traveling down the plastic tubes, it would eventually land on either cement or grass, creating a muddy mess tomorrow. Probably a breeding ground for mosquitos, if the weather didn't break soon. I allowed myself to drift off, nudged back awake only by Dan's occasional movements. Through half squinting eyes, I saw my knees slightly protruding from beneath the bubbles. And this beautiful man was between my legs.

Get your minds out of the gutter, you pervs. You know what I mean.

I closed my eyes again and sighed heavily, letting go of the entire day. Focusing on enjoying this.

"You alright up there, sexy?" Dan asked me in barely above a whisper. I gave my approval with a low "mmmhmmm." His right hand squeezed my arm.

"I like this," he continued. Who was I to argue with him? Another "mmmhmmm" should do the trick.

A crack of thunder outside made us both jump halfway out of the tub. It wasn't particularly loud. It just caught us both off guard. Water splashed out of the tub and onto the tile floor. Inadvertently, it also splashed up onto Dan's face, causing him to fumble and flail. He sat up immediately, wiping his face with a watery, bubbly hand. I couldn't help but laugh. It was cute and endearing at the same time. When he heard me chuckle, Dan turned around as best he could to look at me.

"That wasn't funny! I could have drowned! The water went right up my nose!" he scolded me. Sure, it was possible to drown in a bathtub, but not very likely with someone sitting three inches from you.

"Hon, do you honestly think I'd let anything happen to you?" I asked, bringing my hand up to his chin. We looked at each other for a long moment before I moved my hand, leaving a glob of bubbles there.

"Probably not. But a guy can't be too careful. Besides, if something happens to me, who's gonna take care of Ethan?"

I delicately turned him around, wrapped my arms around him again and laid back down. My head was screaming "We're going to take care of him together" but the words wouldn't come out over the lump in my throat. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour.

Just as I was settling back into position, my stomach growled loudly. Followed by Dan's. And then mine. And then his...again. He snickered as he interlaced my fingers with his.

"Someone's hungry," I said. It was his turn now. "mmmhmmm."

"Still in the mood for pizza or do you want something else?"

"A big chunk of the guy holding me. That's enough for me."

"I'll see if we can arrange that."

As if on cue, our stomachs talked to one another again. So loudly, in fact, the sound reverberated through the bathroom. I let out a laugh. Dan followed.

"I guess that settles it, huh?" he asked me.


"Let's get out, jump in the shower and get dressed..."

"I can't yet."

He...can't? Spasm, cramp?

"It's alright. I'll carry you. You're not heavy and the shower's right..."

"No, Aaron. I...can't..."

He let go of my fingers and pushed my hand down to his crotch. His cock was stiff as a rod. Just feeling that had the unintended consequence of making me bone up. Hey, what do you expect? I'm only human.

Dan felt it against his back.

"Uh, oh. Seems we both have problems." His free hand snaked around him, wrapping itself around my member. He stroked slowly, up and down, base to head and back down. I wanted to touch him, to play with him. He wouldn't let me. Our hands intertwined again, he had it in a vice-like grip. The more he moved his hand, the more I could feel an argument raging in my brain.

This isn't the way to do this, one side would say.

Let it happen, the other side counter-argued.

It has to be mutual. Enjoy the experience. Let Dan do what he's doing and owe him one later.

With a deep breath, I silence all the voices.

No, this was not the way I imagined our first time. I wanted it to be magical for Dan, to be safe, secure...give and take.


His hand stopped moving. Just in time, it turned out. Another twenty seconds and I would have blown everywhere.

"I want to lick every corner of your body. Make you scream in pleasure..."

Dan did some kind of gymnastics turn because before I knew it, he was on his knees, staring at me.

"Then what the fuck are you waiting for?"

He stood up, soap suds clinging to his body. He looked like a very odd snowman with an erection staring at me in the face. Without skipping a beat, he was in the shower, water turned on. I followed him, our soapy bodies ready for a release like none other.


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