Friday the 13th Strikes Again

Feb 13, 2009 13:23

Pulling out of the driveway this morning, my car suddenly lurches as if I had hit something.  Apparently, it was so loud Jim heard it in the house.  Coming to the front door, he asks if I hit something.

Granted, I'm still half asleep, but I *know* there isn't anything normally in the road which I could hit.  Pulling back into the driveway, the right side of the car is dragging.  My first fear is something underneath fell out and is now on the ground.  I get out, flashlight in hand.  The tires are A-OK, fully inflated and the like.  Nothing is hanging down from the bottom of the car.  Both good signs.

So I get back in the car and try to back out again.  Dragging.  Conducting an experiment with water softener pellets on all four tires, I back out again.  Maybe one of them isn't spinning.

I back up, get out and, lo and behold, three of the pellets are on the ground.  The one on the right rear tire?  Still there.  The tire is not moving.

After having my car towed to Belle Tire, I am told the shoes, drums and cylinder need to be replaced.  So, walking the mile home while they do the work (it'll take a couple of hours), I just about fall asleep on the couch when the phone rings at 11:45 am.  It's done.  So I walk the mile back-hey, I didn't get to the Y this morning-and get the car.  I'm finally at work at 1:00 pm.

Mind you, the boss was out all morning and I was expecting to get some work done.  That was shot.  So's another $382 for the car work.  And I'm just mildly perturbed.

What's next?

friday the 13th

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