Alright, kids, back on the boat

Mar 21, 2008 09:34

The Family Research Council has spoken.  Apparently, since we gays are such a destructive force for families and marriage in the United States, their preference is to get rid of us.

Proof?  Check out the story.  (Top video, 1:43 in.)

The context concerns a bill currently in Congress which would allow non-American partners of LGBT Americans to stay in the country.  With heterosexual couples, if they get married, no one gets threatened with deportation.  However, since the gays can't get married...well, you see how it works.

It's always baffling as to how queers are more destructive than, say, straights who admit adultery (breaking a commandment) or marriage for a reason other than procreation (another standby argument against gay marriage).  We have the newly installed governor of New York-and his wife-admitting to numerous affairs...AFTER NY Republicans threatened to impeach the former governor for his relationships with call girls.  We have Mark Foley's Congressional page scandal.  Ted Haggard and his male escort.

Larry Craig's foot tapping.  Florida rep Bob Allen's propositioning a male police officer (you know...the guy who is scared of black people).  Jim Bakker, the televangelist who had an affair and used his church's money to keep her quiet.  Serial rapist Ted Bundy campaigned for the Repubs.  Newt Gingrich, married three times.

And now you want to export American citizens who are gay because WE'RE the destructive ones?  Yeah, okay.  Let's see that one gain some traction. 


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