(no subject)

Feb 01, 2007 10:19


Star Trek Series: Deep Space Nine in a landslide
Star Trek Movie: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek Character: Jono or Kira
Star Trek Pairing: Chakotay and Seven, of course! I KID! Worf and Jadzia
Alien Race: Bajorans
Alien World:
Federation Class Starship: Defiant
TOS Episode: "Day of the Dove", "Balance of Terror", "Arena"
TNG Episode: "Suddenly Human", "The Best of Both Worlds Part I"
DS9 Episode: "Progress", "In the Hands of the Prophets", "Rejoined"
VOY Episode: "Caretaker", "Death Wish", "Resolutions", "Remember"
ENT Episode: "Two Days and Two Nights", "Dead Stop"

Star Trek Quote:
"Those of you who have served for long on this vessel have encountered alien life-forms. You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, and irrational fear of the unknown. But there's no such thing as 'the unknown,' only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."-James T. Kirk


Star Trek Series: Voyager or Enterprise
Star Trek Movie: Insurrection...insultingly juvenille and very bad effects
Star Trek Character: Seven of Nine. Singlehandedly destroyed the show.
Star Trek Pairing: Chakotay/Seven
Alien Race: Any of the Xindi...look, they were NEVER mentioned in four later series nor in ten movies. They don't exist. Period.
Alien World: Any one of the dozen or so redresses of the cave set in Enterprise's first season
Federation Class Starship: Galaxy Class
TOS Episode: I really don't think there's one that comes to mind as "least favorite"
TNG Episode: "The Outcast". I hate this episode on so many different levels it's not even funny.
DS9 Episode: "Who Mourns for Morn?"
VOY Episode: ANYTHING having to do with that STUPID STUPID STUPID holo-program from "Spirit Folk"...and most of Season Seven
ENT Episode: "Zero Hero"...fun and exciting episode until the last three minutes when ALIEN NAZI shows up...the ultimate "fuck you" from B & B

Star Trek Quote: "I'm a doctor, not a BLANK."--McCoy, Leonard H., son of David


Trekkie or Trekker? I don't honestly care
Kirk or Picard? Jean-Luc Pickard (as pronounced by Mrs. Carmichael in "Time's Arrow II")
Defiant or Delta Flyer? Defiant. The Voyager folks had to conserve power, but they can build and power a brand new ship?
Tribbles or Targs? Neither, actually.
Coffee, Black or Tea, Earl Grey? Tea, Earl Gray, Hot.
Porthos or Spot? Porthos...except for "A Night in Sickbay".
EMH or Data? Data, it's not even close.
Pah-wraiths or Prophets? Prophets. My boy BENNY is one of them now.


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