Feb 23, 2004 18:28
Holy poops, Johnny, ain't been updatin. Slackin slackin. Well shit, a lot has happened. I got back from Hawaii awhile ago. That was on of the greatest experiences of my life. I met some amazing kids, and we all just had a great time being idiots together. It was really good to meet kids who were completely friendly and who didn't judge you. I'm so fucking sick of meeting kids in LA who give you a stupid high five and say "Yo." Nice to meet you too, penis balls. But the point is, I'm glad that genuinely nice kids exist.
As soon as I got back from Hawaii, I had this totally different outlook on things. I was uncontrollably happy about everything and I felt so motivated. I'm sure it helped me and Will finally get our clothing company started. We have some sick designs and we're printing the shirts soon, which I'm stoked about.
Signed up for SMC. Could only get one class. I love you, Presidents Day. The people who ran the Assessment Center were too busy celebrating Presidents Day to test me so that I could get into classes early. You know, they broke out their pennies and dollar bills and danced around singing. At least thats what I assume. How the fuck else would you celebrate Presidents Day? Oh right, you don't. Thanks for closing down the testing center, you ball sack ball sacks.
Whats new in the sports world? Who knows. But me, Will, and Beavdiggity definately started a downhill wet grass skiing team. The Speeding Rainbows. Olympics, here we come. Team pictures coming soon. Herpes coming never. I hope.