thanksgiving n' stuff

Nov 22, 2007 02:05

Hello everyone~

Thanksgiving is coming up! Feeling thankful this year? ;)
I'm not-- just kidding. I guess it's only natural to feel thankful for some things.. like health. Gotta be grateful for that one :b
I'd go on but I'd bore you. So I'd just like to say a short happy thanksgiving to you all out there :D

gobble gobble


Pretty happy lately with all the KAT-TUN stuff getting out there. Like the making of KTF <3 That whole thing was full of win!
There was this random part with Koki and a barrel.. A wheel barrel!! lol! It was so random but I laughed so hard, I think it was my favorite part xD

 <- lol!
Also the Tour DVD. That totally killed my hard drive space, seriously. But hey it's worth it. It was amazing to watch :)
YAY for KT goodies <3!

Something totally random.
Do you ever have a hard time deciding something? I do.. like all the time lol

hayaisme: okay ive decided
hayaisme: no i havent
hayaisme: omg
hayaisme: okay i have               (it was a hard decision! @_@)
hayaisme: no..
hayaisme: wait yes
hayaisme: no no!


Picture of the day xD


Oh and of course I'm thankful to have met my wonderful LJ buddies <3

kat-tun, thanksgiving

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