well, I decided to do this meme also with Yu-Gi-Oh!^.^
The character I love the most: Seto
The character I'm the most like: puh... dunno!XD
The character I wish I were more like: Kisara
The character I wish I could get rid of: Siegfried
The best looking character: puh... Marik, Atemu in the last Season, Dartz
The character with the best personality: Kisara
The funniest character: Jyonouchi
The most boring character: Siegfried and the rest of Kaiba Grandprix characters...
The most annoying character: Honda (but ok, in the Manga) & of course
Siegfried and the rest of Kaiba Grandprix characters...
The most tragic character: Raphael, Pegasus, Noa, Amelda, Varon
The first character I fell in love with: ahm... Joey of the american YGO!???XD
The character I used to not like but now I do: Noa (but this Noa is different from the one before
'cuz he is another character^^)
The character I used to like more than I do now: ahm... dunno
The character I like that everyone seems to hate: Kisara, Mai, Anzu etc. (most of the girls)^^
The most overrated character: dunno!xD
If I could date one character, I would choose: hahaha!XD
If I could marry one character, I would choose: I don´t like to marry someone there... only admire^^
I want to have hot sex with this character: no one...
I think this character and I would make good friends: Shizuka maybe...and Jyonouchi maybe^^ ... & Yugi!^.^
I would love to slap this character: the Kaiba Grandprix characters!
This female character kicks major ass: Mai
This male character could be mistaken as a girl: haha... not really mistaken... but i no one who was really mistaken Bakura!!! that was so funny, 'cuz i never thought that Bakura was a girl!XD
This villain can't be forgiven: ... Siegfried... for being such a stupid character!xD
This character could win every fight: Yugi
This character improves the most during the series: if I start from the very beginning... for sure Seto^^
This character reminds me of my best friend: puh... only one that reminds me
of my eldest sis'... Mai... extremely!
This character reminds me of my favorite character in another series: well... Manjyome reminds me of Seto!XD
This character reminds me of my favorite song: don´t know... wait...
Welcome to my Life reminds me of Manjyome! (normally I am not talking about YGO GX in this meme, it's only that this is the only thing having connection)
This character reminds me of my favorite movie: dunno...
This character deserves more fans: most ygo girls^^
The character nobody should hate: Seto! I can't understand how somebody can hate him...
The character with the coolest look: Atemu (his hair is really cool!XD)
The character with the coolest ability (if applicable): ability? maybe Dartz^^
This character did something that made me mad: Honda!xD
This character is the reason I keep watching the series: well... it's over already...
These two characters would make a good couple: Seto&Kisara, Atemu&Seto, Jyonouchi&Mai, Jyonouchi&Yugi