Soon off again...

Mar 12, 2007 08:31

I'm SO close to 50 with Ehjin...soon I will get hot Infernal action! Woo! And then it's a mere 20 levels until endgame... ::grins:: Of course, I get all excited about my Warlock just as I'm about to leave for another long stint -- I'll be away 9 days this time, at Wizard World LA, and then Games Expo in Vegas. It should be fun, I'm looking forward to seeing my family in SoCal while I'm there, and I've never been to Vegas! And by fun, I mean "a lot of work." :-) These are my first shows flying solo as the convention manager, so hopefully everything goes smoothly!

Also, daakroth finally got around to asking me some

1) What was most memorable gaming experience?

Hm. I have had a few. Winning Best General in the 2004 Seattle GT for 40k was pretty freaking memorable. It's one of my finer geek cred moments! Also probably any session in the 2-year evil campaign I ran in D&D. That was the best campaign ever.

2) Having met and gotten to know me, has your understanding/view of deaf people changed?

Hm. That's an interesting question. I would say that every person I meet gives me opportunities to learn things about patience, tolerance, and compassion. Working with you has made me a more effective communicator, and forced me to get better at using alternate forms of contact like IM, which I previously avoided like the plague.

3) If you were stricken with an ailment, and there was a cure, but you had to make a choice, deafness, or blindness, which would you pick, and why?

Gods willing, this will never happen. But if I had to pick, I would take deafness. Like Scott, if I couldn't read I would literally go insane. It would be extremely difficult for me to live without music, but I suppose that would be preferable to not being able to play World of Warcraft anymore. ::wry smile::

4) Now that you've become more corporate, I've noticed some changes in your presence at work. Does this affect your personal life outside office as well?

Not hugely, yet, but yes. I'm more willing to do some work on the weekend or on days off, and I feel more strongly compelled to do my duty overall. I also find myself editing what I say a little more, as regards my work and the things related to it. In general, I'm just a little more work-oriented. I guess this is what being an adult feels like, lol.

5) Everybody laughed at Zombie movies. If it actually happened, and people was turning into zombies, what would you do?

It would depend on what kind of zombies they were. I have always assumed that zombies would behave like they do in D&D, ie, that a cleric could turn/destroy them. I am confident in my faith, and fairly certain that I could turn (or maybe rebuke) a good-sized undead horde. If that were to not be the case, I would follow the instructions in my Zombie Survival Guide -- get out of urban areas, load up on food and weaponry, and kill anything that moans on sight. I would probably also join the military if a government response were orgamized. Either that, or I'd be a shambling, brain-hungry monster by morning. Take your pick!

Now, back to work! Pleasant somethings!

meme, wow, work

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