Promotion, meme, work, fun! So busy!

Mar 05, 2007 10:09

I hope everyone is finding this meme as interesting as I am! Maybe you're even learning something interesting about me!

mywoogie asks me

1. You have a pretty unique look. If you were in a situation (for example, a job or dating someone) where you were asked to tone down or even change your look to something more "normal" (I put that in quotes because what really is normal...but I think you understand what I mean by it), would you?

This is a very relavant question to me right now, as I have just made the move into management. I actually have chosen on my own to stop wearing the eyeliner except for personal "going out" type situations. My new look involves dramatic eyeshadow instead. I'm still not Miss Macy's or anything...but I definitely look a little more corporate. However, if someone asked me to do so, I would be horribly offended. Go figure!

2. What made you decide to go for your particular major in college?

The short answer is that I was working for Versus Books at the time, and took a summer course in conversational Japanese to be of more use to the company. I found I liked it, and at the time thought I would make a career out of it.

3. If you could ask Starr any one question and he would answer it truthfully, what would it be? (Hope that one isn't an emotionally tough one for you)

Hm. I would ask him if he is truely happy right now. I hope that he is, but I rather sense the opposite is true.

4. What is your favorite thing about Seattle? What is your least favorite thing about Seattle?

I love the weather, the awesome people, and the great Asian food. Probably the only thing I don't like about Seattle is the public transit is sometimes unreliable.

5. What is it about military men that attracts you to them?

Teehee. I find discipline and ambition very attractive things in people. Many men (and women) are not taught how to channel those qualities effectively. Since the military does provide that kind of teaching, it makes sense that I would be sometimes be attracted to people with that background!

And cyiton

1. I love to drive, with a passion, and I love the freedom it allows me. Why don't you own a car and how impairing is the lack mobility? Do you have a lisence?

I do not have a license yet, although I'll likely be getting one this fall. I don't own a car because until now, the expense was not worth the trouble. I have always lived close to public transit lines, and could count on the occasional ride from a friend when I needed to go longer distances. Now that I'm making more money, and also have a LOT less time, it seems more reasonable to pay for a car to save myself the transit time and squeeze a few more hours of fun out of the day. We'll see how my time goes, I may get one before con season is over, but it's hard to say.

2. You're a vegitarian or a vegan I believe, and a Buddhist; is there any corillation? How/why did you find your way into such niches?

There is actually no correlation, although they are historically linked. I became a vegetarian at the age of 12 when I was finally old enough to articulate how gross meat tasted and how I didn't want to eat it anymore. My mom was nice enough to indulge me, and I've been meat-free ever since. I'm one of the few vegetarians I know with no moral objection to flesh consumption...I just don't like the taste. As for Buddhism, I have always been interested in Asian religion. I've only been a practicing Buddhist for about a year...the "This too shall pass" aspect has proven very stabilizing for me.

3. This one is coming right back at you: What do you find most intimidating about the opposite sex? How about what is most approachable about them?

Men are weird. I'm not sure I would say I'm exactly intimidated by them, but I am very conscious of the need to prove myself. I feel as though I am constantly trying to prove to every man I meet that I'm as good or better than they are, that I'm their intellectual and social peer. It makes me a little confrontational sometimes, lol. As for what is most Men don't tend to take things as personally as women. I like that I can say something about, say, an issue at work, and they won't take it to mean I hate them and never want to hang out again.

4. What is your favorite game and why? Do you perfer active, video, board, or RP style games?

Ah, geez. Yes. :-) I like all games, pretty much, and for different reasons. Except sports, which I pretty much universally loathe. I do enjoy tennis and rollerblading, and I'm an avid hiker, though. So go figure. I do active things to improve my body and to get a break from the "staring at the screen" that is my job and a lot of my free time. My favorite video game is World of Warcraft -- I love the social interactions, the storyline, the's very absorbing. My favorite board game is Lunar Rails. I LOVE rail games, they're great brain exercises and you can also enjoy good chats and drinks with friends over them. I like the WoW CCG for the same reason. As for RPGs, I have always liked Dungeons & Dragons, but probably my favorite in terms of sheer amusement is Exalted. I love the storytelling, I *really* like using the rules to make crazy characters, and it's fun to spend facetime with my friends. Games rule!

5. What countries or geographical regions would you most like to visit? Would you ever consider living there? What environment feels most like home to you?

I am really looking forward to my trip to Japan this fall. I also really want to go to the British Isles at some point, and I would kind of like to go to France and Italy for the art and historical sites. There are also some places I've been that I'd love to spend more time in -- I'd like to see more of New York and Chicago, for example, and despite my fear and hatred of the sun I'd like to bum around again in Costa Rica or the Yucatan. It's possible I'd consider living somewhere else, but I'm VERY happy with my job, my relationship/friendships, and the weather here. However...Southern California still feels like home. I don't think of it as home, but when I'm there, it's the weather and the scent on the wind that say "home" to me. Hard to shake 19 years of sense-memories. However, Seattle is starting to acquire those feelings too, and I certainly feel like I'm home when I step off the plane in SeaTac. So...there you go!

I had a really, really nice weekend -- I'm staying at Dave's house to watch Fritz (who makes the weirdest noises sometimes) while Dave's in Phoenix for work, and it's been fun being on Capitol Hill. I spent most of Saturday assembling models with higamiranger and even managed to make significant progress on my huge dragon statue I bought at GenCon last year. Sunday I went shopping downtown, which was IMMENSELY fun. Bought some new shirts for work, not too exciting but definitely required. I hit the MAC makeup counter afterwards and spent...well, let's just go with "a lot" on some new face paints. Hee! It's fun to be all girly sometimes. ::grins:: On my way back up the Hill I counteracted the girliness with some Icon of Coil CDs from Musicwerks, and rounded out the day with a haircut. Then I sat down for some major WoW action and got most of the way to 64 with Arcavia. :-) All in all a very fun weekend!

I'm taking Friday off of work to spend some time with Dave and give myself a chance to breathe before my next two shows -- LA and Vegas back to back, so I'll be gone for 9 days. Oh yeah...and I'm now the Convention and Events Manager at WizKids. ::proud smile:: Can't beat that without a pretty big stick!

Now, back to work...I have a feeling I'll be here a while!

Pleasant somethings!

weekend, meme, wow, work

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