Apr 10, 2006 16:39
So...I'm sitting here in the basement of DuBois...trying to write a research proposal for my psych seminar class... My brain isn't functioning all that well... The weekned was crazy...What's with me and the (...)!! haha. Anyway~ yea weekend a typical UMASS weekend. I went to a party. got drunk. threw up some. did some crying. had some memory loss. woke up with bruises on my leg. a terrible headache. stomache feeling as if it was turned upside down (if that's possible). Yea...stupid me. Hey~I thought i was entitled to a lil drink considering the week I had. I was ready to get drunk on Friday. heee. Saturday was painful...THE HANGOVER. I'm never gonna drink again..................................................................
SO... the recent construction work that is being done on the campus of umass...just proved to me that ppl at umass truly are dumb. and crazy! I swear...everyday, it seems as if i have less and less space to walk around the campus...they keep blockin roads and sidewalks...they even closed few roads until december.
I think I'm ready to have a boyfriend. (so random i kNOW) most of my friends now have bfs/gfs. it just sucks to hang out w/ them and i'm just there...by myself...oh well~