Drawn That Way

Mar 13, 2008 10:32

check out this game i just played to my offer of a draw (by perpetual check). the beginning was pretty uneventful but in early endgame (after his moves 26/27ish) his mating threats pushed me to play some very creative bishop moves (i think. e,g, my move 28) though i didn't see i could win really (i had opted to sac my rook, move 35, to be able to play to a draw) maybe you can see a better way than i?

i wish i could paste in austin's pgn viewer here, but i don't think i am able to include javascript files here :-/
if you're a pc person you can download winboard, for mac people i still recommend fixation though i imagine there are others out there.
oh here is a free online viewer that doesn't seem to be trying to sell anything :B
oh cool he even has a FEN editor too.

[Date "2008.03.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Me"]
[Black "Opp"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. e2e4 e7e5 2. Ng1f3 d7d6 3. Bf1c4 Ng8f6 4. Nf3g5 Bc8e6 5. Ng5xe6 f7xe6 6. d2d3 h7h6 7. Bc4xe6 Qd8e7 8. Be6h3 Nb8d7 9. Nb1c3 c7c6 10. f2f4 O-O-O 11. O-O d6d5 12. e4xd5 Nf6xd5 13. Nc3xd5 c6xd5 14. f4xe5 Qe7xe5 15. d3d4 Qe5c7 16. c2c3 Kc8b8 17. Rf1f7 Qc7c6 18. Bc1f4+ Bf8d6 19. Bf4xd6+ Qc6xd6 20. Qd1c2 g7g5 21. Ra1e1 Rh8f8 22. Rf7xf8 Nd7xf8 23. a2a3 Nf8g6 24. Re1e6 Qd6f4 25. Re6xg6 Rd8f8 26. g2g3 Qf4e3+ 27. Kg1g2 Qe3e1 28. Bh3f5 h6h5 29. Rg6e6 Qe1a1 30. Re6e5 a7a6 31. Re5xd5 g5g4 32. Rd5d7 Rf8e8 33. Bf5e4 Qa1e1 34. Rd7xb7+ Kb8c8 35. Rb7b8+ Kc8xb8 36. Qc2b3+ Kb8c7 37. Qb3b7+ Kc7d8 1/2-1/2

chess, pgn

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