American Hero

Jun 14, 2008 10:01

With all the "bad guys" in politics, here was truly the one good guy we all came to know and love for his candor, charm and intellect - his untimely death truly in his prime, on the eve of a most historic election year, he will be sorely missed.

This morning I commented to a friend, he was like the Carl Sagan of politics, or a Steven J. Gould, both eminent scientists in their field who made the intangible so readily tangible. Tim Russert was such a scientist, a political scientist, who made it exciting and enjoyable for us to decipher political uncertainty; his insights and his interrogations were assuring in a time when the media for most is the only voice available to the people.

Reading his biographies and eulogies on other sites only serve to raise his esteem. Born of modest means, he truly carved own his own place in television history just as Julia Child cooked up her own tv show invention.

We should all take time to remember and honor him for he served us all tirelessly and with such boundless joy, we can only hope it redeemed him to know he died in the saddle of his journalistic steed.

memory, passing, sadness, homage

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