
Aug 10, 2005 10:10

What do you think Heaven is really like? Seems like a stupid question, but have you really thought about it. It's a very deep question.

Is it singing choir hymns forever and worshiping the Lord GOD? What else will you do? I mean, you are their forever? Would I get bored? Would I be able to create art forever? Would I be able to paint beautiful nudes? LOL Or is that against the law up there? LMAO So if I'm reunited with my family when I get there does that mean I have to live with my MOM?? Oh fuck! I mean I really like living FAR away from my family right now. I can't imagine having to hang out with them for eternity! GEEZ! Oh no! That's short for JESUS! Is that using the Lords name in vain? What's the punishment for saying GEEZ in heaven? LOL Do I have to be nice to the souls that really piss me off here on earth? Hmmmm, sounds like a kind of HELL if you look at it that way. NOt the fire and brimstone kind of hell, but the OMG! Do I have to sit add listen to my mom ramble on about her flower garden for the next 500 millennia kind of hell. Heheehe Some of my most favorite things to do here on earth are probably very frowned upon up there among the clouds. :P

Somebody please give me a more positive outlook on heaven and how I'm going to spend eternity! Please tell me it's not like going to Sunday church, ALL DAY, EVERYDAY! lmao
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