(no subject)

Oct 29, 2005 03:31

feel the pain
teaching us how much more we can take
reminding us how far we've come.

i get the weirdest feelings sometimes when my house feels strange and foreign.
i feel as though i should not be at home with my family, but out with friends.
i don't feel right.

today has been one of those days. tonight is one of those nights.
i've distracted myself with dressing in beautiful clothes i could never wear,
listening to all the bands from last night, painting, reading childhood books and eating
my brothers birthday cake. the only thing that has calmed me and made me feel something
real was bright eyes. it always does. so honest.

the past week has been one of the hardest i have had to cope with. i feel emotionally
drained and i'm not up for hearing about blown out of proportion superficial
problems. in someways this week has put alot into perspective. love is truly the most
important thing in this world. well that is what i believe.

don't think that if one of my friends are upset that i won't want to help them because
i don't think they're problem is bad enough. its just that my eyes have been opened
to a bigger world of suffering outside bad hair, clothes, hating life, gossip etc.

but there is one thing i still wish for.
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