Jun 20, 2005 01:19
How unhardcore is this? I snuck out of my house tonight to go to Dunkin Donuts. :) That's just the kind of bizarre day it's been.
First, I had a really long chat with my mother, mostly about rape in colleges and how Emma Willard has prepared me extremely well for any kind of rape situation (EXIT my sphere post haste. - Kelly, also: You really don't want to rape me because I have gonorrhea!). And then I told her about MIT's reputation for suicides. Try it sometime, scare the bejeezus out of your mother about the college you're going to. ("Yeah, it apparently has the second highest suicide rate in the country...I know, it's tragic. Well...don't worry! I'll be fine.") It's ok though I told her I'll quit school and become a beach bum the minute I feel like indulging in any kind of masochistic behavior.
Then, we started to talk about how and why my glasses are crooked. Which led to my mom trying to fix them by doing what I'd been doing all day, trying to bend them into being normal(they're of the cunning, rebellious type). When that didn't work for her either, we put them in the microwave to heat up so they'd be easier to bend. Uhm...don't leave your glasses in the microwave too long or they start melting. Don't worry they weren't metal we're not THAT dumb, jeez! :) Anyways..they're not crooked anymore.
After we fixed my glasses by melting them into submission, I went for a walk around my neck of the city, and that was tres fun. I met up with two of my childhood friends (one i havent seen in months and the other in years) and we talked a lot and ended up going back to my house to chill. This actually added to the weirdness of my day, just cuz it was so random to see and talk about people I havent seen in years. Still, good times.
And, to finish off the night, I snuck out of my house for the second time ever. Josh and I went on a late night trek to the jungle of New Scotland/Dunkin Donuts to get coffee. And apparently we saw a guy with bunny ears and a cane, but I was paying attention to the road so I didn't see him. Probably should be the other way around since he was the one driving.
:) Overall, great day.
Let's see...I've been working at the station a lot, and you should txt me/come visit. Everyone needs gas! Or junk food. (you know you need one or the other or possibly both, so stop lying to yourself) Also, in one week I start working at GirlSummer YESSSSSSSSS.
Now you are caught up on my life and you deserve a cookie for reading this far, but I'm not making promises anymore because SOME PEOPLE are picky about what I fake-give them. (seriously, who doesn't like cookies? coughemmacough)
Now go forth and prosper! (after you comment, of course ;) )