Oct 25, 2007 11:56
RE: Im sick of your shit.
Body: heh its funny because i had a feeling thats how you all felt about me. I dont care if you think im a constantl liar, an asshole or whatever. I know you guys all talk shit about me behind my back, you just confirmed everything i wrote originally a couple months back, where you also told me "i was being rediculous" for thinking that.
When i was younger i didnt get into many fights, generally i was friends with everyone but if there was someone who started shit with me, i did fight them. I didnt use words because i was never good with them. But im an adult now and punching someone will land me in prison. Its not easy for me to handle people i cant stand, because i cant really talk shit out too well.
Thats prolly why i seem like an "emo bitch" when im fucking sitting there taking all of your shit; Which i fucking asked you to let up on, but your too fucking selfish to care. Do you find it odd that i never ever ripped into you and told you how much YOU suck?
You can take pride working at publix all you want, i only worked there because i thought i had some friends there; which you made it painfully clear that i dont. (thanks) i have no interest in working in a grocery store, which is why i really, really don't try.
Since you basically just told me how much you and everyone has hated me for forever. I guess i can tell you now that you are one of the most selfish people i have ever met. Its all about you. You do shit only for yourself.
For someone who claims to take pride in what they do and fucking lecture me every fucking day at a mindless zombie job, you fucking cant get through school. None of my credits transfered down here and i had to start over completely and i'm still closer to my objective than you. You never talk about goals or anything, shit your younger brother just started college and he already knows where hes going, and i have no doubt he will probably achieve his goals before you ever achieve yours, (if you even have any).
You need to fucking grow up, you act like your still in grade school with your fucking "joke insults". Yeah, i shouldn't let them get to me... but i never met someone who couldn't be serious for more than 10 fucking seconds.
Im pretty disappointed because i was hoping you'd realize how much of a bitch you have been, i have tried to be open, i have tried talking to you because i could tell shit was wrong, but you only care about yourself so it was futile. And yeah i was a chump, i was gullible and you took advantage of it. But i learn from my mistakes, and it was a mistake taking shit from you as long as i did.
I dont feel like writing anymore because ive wasted more than enough time on you. Its time to grow up, your fucking 22.
I'm not even replying to this. He sent the same message twice, basically. What a loser.