Jul 30, 2009 03:58

Danced w/ the circus midgets today. Then we went on a mass murdering spree kiLLing aLL thoze who were taLLer than us. Then they came back as zombies, and tryed to eat our brainz so, we aLL ran aLL the way to WaL-Mart as they chased us w/ machine gunz, and we bought motorcycLe heLments. Hey they can't eat what they can't get to right??? The zombies aLmost got us but, LuckLiy I beat them ALL down w/ a basebaLL bat, and some of there parts feLL off[such as there armz, Legz, and headz]so, they couLdn't get us anymore. Then we aLL started dancing, and singing annoying show tunez as the LittLe rainbowed cLoudz grew armz, and Legz aLong w/ other appendagez, and came down, and Lifted us to the sky as we screamed. Then we aLL went spLat to the ground as our aduince shook in fear, and confusion. [Makez you wounder if I have a screw Loose don't it????]
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