A month of my life. In pictures.

Mar 27, 2010 23:58

i. project 365
Yes. I realized that I haven't posted my project 365 photos in about a month. I just forgot about it. I mean, I didn't forget to take the photos, I did utilize my camera(s) on most of the days, I just forgot to upload them, haha. I'll post them after all my ramblings.

ii. school
School's been pretty insane: I need to finish writing the script for my directorial sketch that was due about 3 weeks ago. Not only that, I gotta write the shot list breakdown - I haven't even thought of it yet. Luckily, I just decided to make most of the sketch indoors in the writer's office. Then I have a paper or reflection or something for my Hitchcock class? I should find out when that's due. And I have a test in my geography class... that I should study for tomorrow. FFFFFF I need to finish my script tonight then. Which leads me to this:

This is all true. -_- I need to finish my script by at least tomorrow so I can email it to my film production professor since I'm not gonna be at class. My sister's short film is getting screened at the LA Women's International Film Festival on Monday afternoon. YEAAAAAH. I'm not gonna lie, I really want to get this right just because... because, y'know? It's one of those things where something I'm working on really means a lot to me. More so than the game show (Super Jenga, lol) or the talk show (Da Show - really.) that we worked on in my studio production class. More than the news shows we produced in high school. More than that in-camera feature I shot for at JEA (even though I placed). Hopefully I get this shit right, y'know?

iii other things
MY CAR IS LJSFLNSKDJFH. I had to bring it to the mechanic twice this week & we paid almost $800 for that damn gas guzzler. I drive to Santa Monica three times a week. I do a lot of driving back and forth on Wednesdays before work for community service. I have to get gas twice a week just to cover all of that. It's such a money waster. I looked at cars today with my dad just for the hell of it. I don't really want an American car, but I really liked the Ford Focus hatchback. But if I really were to get a hatchback, I'd most definitely want a Mazda 3. Or a Toyota Matrix. But mainly a Mazda 3 hatch. Kjdsklfjasdkjghasdkfjjsf. &&& sad times for the Irish Knight Band. I wrote about it in my last post & I wish he was a member of the band when I was there because I talked to his friends a lot. He seemed like a cool kid too.

Okay, project 365 photos now then. Pretty much a month of 'em. Four days of March left. I'd wait until then... but I'd just forget. So I'll post these now.

Books for school! Except the Wodehouse book (well, I guess you can say that I'm using it for school now...)

Broadcasting 1 + Geography 2

NO DAY 52! I remember this day; I went to my dentist to pick up a script for my amoxicillin & vicodin. I ate some food & took a vicodin & proceeded to knock the fuck out from combination of the pain & the pain meds. Good times.

Inglourious Basterds.

I spent a week on those drugs.


NO 56 EITHER! I don't remember what happened on this day.

House billboard, ftw! I haven't seen it since, I'm afraid. - PROBABLY BECAUSE THERE HAVEN'T BEEN ANY NEW EPISODES SINCE THAT MONDAY... the 8th, I think it was.

LOL NO 58!

My sister's driving companions say hullo.

Good day: Thai chicken salad, chocolate chip bagels, chai frap, & Mythbusters.

One rare day I actually liked my outfit. & o hay, haircut.

Me & the little stinker went to Steph's house for the Pacquiao fight. That is pretty much Steph all the time.

All the footage I have to watch for my comm 88B independent study class... for editing. -_-

IT WAS FIVE IN THE AFTERNOON WHEN I TOOK THIS. DAMN YOU DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. Although I guess one of the good things that comes with DST is that it's easier for me to tan now, hahaha.

List o'things to do.


Almond milk tea from Volcano Tea House! <3

My dad told me that those were my mom's favorite flowers, especially because she could never grow them in her garden.

Mighty Mango Naked Juice ad. Haaaaa.

Sago't gulaman = one of the best drinks EVER.

I would get this as a tattoo, no joke. I draw treble & bass clefs on my wrist when I'm bored in class.


I spent a Tuesday morning at my mechanic's, reading the conversations between François Truffaut and Alfred Hitchcock while drinking Black & White Arizona Tea...

...& listening to... yeah, I don't know.

New bouquet we got for my mom. At least part of it.

I support very worthy causes.

Study session fail!

Cool one over here.

OH! That reminds me: I went to the Apple store with my dad because my sister & I might start our own freelance editing company (since we both edit a lot for other people), so we might get a 27" iMac with a core 7 processor. Anyway, so I went with my dad to look at the iMacs & swear, there was this one lady there reading a Bleach/Inuyasha crossover fanfiction there. No shame. Hahahaha.
That & I remember reading about Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes last year in a music magazine, so I thought I'd check them out. I was planning on it when I first read about them, but I forgot. They're not bad, not gonna lie.

Back to my script. Wish me luck!

[project] project 365, music, school stuffs, random, picture post, cars, editing, this doesn't make sense, a day in the life

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