that icon thing. yeah.

Mar 11, 2010 20:10

1) Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2) Make a post (include this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3) Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4) This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee!

bonorattle over here chose:

Oh this gem made by bold_as_brass... to be honest, I don't think there was really any other reason for me using this, besides the fact that he has an amazing upper body. Too bad you can't really see it. But his arm though. Holy crap. His muscles are so lovely - not Dwight Howard status (I'd probably be afraid if it came to that). Really, they are.

The Fall! This is probably one of my most favorite films ever, if not my absolute favorite. This icon (made by kangarooink shows the 5 heroes of the film: Charles Darwin, the Indian (a silent warrior), the Black Bandit (the main protagonist), Luigi (an explosives expert), and an ex-slave Otta Benga. They're all enemies of an evil rules Odius & go on a worldwide journey to seek revenge for the offenses he committed against them all. It's honestly one of the most beautiful films I've ever see, visually & story-wise.

I'm Han *fucking* Solo! By starsburn, I don't think I've ever laughed harder than I did when I first saw this icon. It's SO something he'd say just because he's that cool. I had the biggest crush on Harrison Ford (circa Empire Strikes Back/Raiders of the Lost Ark era) last year & I still love him as Indiana Jones (ekljf dunno about the 4th one though.) & Han Solo. Both very legit characters, hahaha.

Self confessed Anglophile over here; Spaced is probably one of the best sitcoms I've ever seen. This icon (by blindbeats) is of Simon Pegg's character, Tim Bisely. Tim's an absolute geek, he's mostly seen with either his skateboard, beanie, or a playstation controller, haha. He's a aspiring comic book artist & works in a comic book store. One of my absolute favorite moments of his? Yelling at a 10-year-old kid for wanting to buy a Jar Jar Binks action figure, hahahahaha.

Teyla Emmagan from Stargate Atlantis; leader of the Athosians & all around bad ass. I mean, really! Her people practice a type of stick fighting that's based on Eskrima, a type of Filipino martial arts. I absolutely love her satisfied expression here, especially since most of the time, she's exasperated with the antics of the rest of the team, lol. To me, siriaeve always had some of the best SGA icons ever.

icon meme

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