whatchu doing, days 16-19?

Jan 29, 2010 16:30

Okay, I'm posting my project 365 earlier than normal; I got a parcel today that really made me happy & I felt like doing it today. By the way, I totally forgot that Jrue Holiday played for the 76ers. Did Farmar & Holiday play together at UCLA? Oh wait, no, Farmar got drafted in 2006 & Holiday played at UCLA in 2008. Oh wikipedia, thanks for your help. Okay, NOW I'll post the photos. & oh hey, the start for BOTH teams are pretty slow. What's up with that?

I found my stats notes! Guess I can start reviewing for that tutoring I'm supposed to be doing come spring semester... -_-

There comes a time when in taking photos for project 365, I can never decide between two photos - so I just put them together. Is it cheating? Oh well... alright, I guess I'll post the two separately, if anyone wants to see it, haha.

FINE. The walkway at my school. The 'quad' some might call it. Apparently, the campus of my college actually looks 'college-y', or so I've been told.

I went to Mitsuwa to get a bottle of milk tea (why you ask? because it's the shit, that's why.) - but they didn't have my usual! So I went with this instead. I felt weird.

Epic editing rush job. At least it's only supposed to be 6 minutes. I think the cutting of the music is gonna be the hardest.

LOL, I'm so unoriginal: There comes a time when in taking photos for project 365, I can never decide between two photos - so I just put them together. Is it cheating? Oh well... alright, I guess I'll post the two separately, if anyone wants to see it, haha.

FINE. Again. Well, Morgan sent me a physical copy (3/25, yo!). Oh, that red pencil? It's a pencil sharpener. It's pretty cool. & I put it there to cover my address, haha.

Closer shot of the album, the small note he included (which he folded like a paper plane, haha), and the little trinkets he included - a small rock (stone?) & some sea shells. He told me he sent out about 8 different parcels to out of town & out of state friends & forgot what he put in each one, haha.

I'm not gonna lie - when I went to check the mail, I saw that his CD came & I was pretty excited, haha. I love his stuff & his new album's really good. So when I saw that it came, it made me happy & that made me happy. So I'm just a bundle of happiness right now. =]

This game is iffy. I don't like it. Some of the calls these refs have been making... bah, whatever. Hopefully finishing up the editing tonight. Cheers. I didn't get a chance to go to see my mom today; I spent a lot of the day editing & I lost track of time. Ah.

OKAY REALLY? WTF, stop stop stop acting like a child by deleting the comm. Please. Act your age. It is possible, right?

[project] project 365, music, house, a day in the life, wtfery

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