You ask & you shall receive... two weeks later.

Jan 19, 2010 12:36

Haaa, so 2 weeks ago, I posted this: Ask me to post a picture of something you're curious about. My favorite shoes, my workplace, my computer desk, my dog/cat, etc., so you will get to know me a little better. I'll post the pictures I'm asked for on this entry, and if you put this on your blog, I'll ask you to post your own.

So I finally got around to it & here we go:

obscurityknocks asked for

It's a tie between these two: my Nike Air Max Skyline SIs & my Prison Issue Vans. I've had my Vans since December 2007; I bought them when I lived in San Francisco for uni. I've dubbed them my 'Ned' shoes, after Ned from Pushing Daisies (even though he wore Chucks, haha). At the time, I wasn't a big Converse fan & I wanted to get those shoes for a while. They're my awkward shoes, hahaha.
As for my Nikes, I was scouring for a new pair of Nikes actually. I have a pair of Dunks that I don't wear very often. Anyway, my friend was telling me about a pair of Air Maxes he has & that they were the most comfortable pair of shoes he's owned. That & I saw a behind the scenes photo from House & Hugh Laurie was wearing them. The fact that I called it out as Air Maxes surprised me. But they really are the most comfortable shoes I own.

lissie_pissie asked me to

Well, I was taking a photo of the view from my window & I turned around & saw B.O.B. So I took a photo. I got it at the Monsters vs. Aliens premiere I went to with my friend - we were lucky & got tickets when all we were doing was just standing around & watching people walk into the Gibson Amphitheatre, hahaha. Alright, I guess my light counts too.

bonorattle wanted to

Track homes, ftw! Eh. Well anyway, you see the house in the corner, with the parked car in front of it? On the left? Well, we figured out that if you park your car on the corner, the old lady who lives there gets some of the fruit from her backyard & smears it all over the windows of your car. At first, we thought it was some of the kids who lived down the street; we thought they were egging our cars. Then we thought about it & wondered why it was only in that specific spot. I was hoping to take a photo with her car parked there, but she left before I could.
But anyway, I was driving my niece to school one day & I saw her out in her yard. She was watching us as we drove by, so I glared at her (with the copyrighted Tengco glare, of course.).

Aaaaaand taintedattitude wanted to see my
I don't think I really have an absolute favorite possession. I don't think I favor one over the other, hahaha. I do have favorites though, lol.

Ah, my Pentax. I went on the absolute biggest adventure looking for a Pentax, and to be honest, I don't know why I specifically wanted to have that brand for my 35mm camera, I just did. And my books. I treasure my books above most of my things. I'm always reading and I know it doesn't seem like I have a lot of books on my shelves. I think the rest of them are in storage from when we moved, I'm not sure. My bookcase used to look like this, but I switched bookcases & my sister & I moved all our DVDs (the ones in these photos are just mine). Yes, I know, I'm a dork, but I love it.

As for my MacBook Pro, aka Octavius Jones... ever since I really started to get into TV/film production in high school, I wanted a Mac. I loved editing on them and I was more used to final cut rather than Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas. So after I graduated from high school, my dad got my sister & I our own MBPs. We were both going to university (she was transferring from SMC to UCSB & I was going to SFSU) and we needed our own laptops. We're both film majors & we do a lot of editing, so we went for the Pros. Bigger hard drive & all o' that.

Well, when I'm at home, if I'm not in my room, I like to hang about here:

I sit & tinker about with the piano or play around with my guitar or ukulele. Sometimes, when my sister is playing piano, I pick up my guitar & mess with her. Whenever she plays the Rohan selections from LOTR, I make it a point to play along because it sounds so cheesy with it but it's funny. Just like my books, I treasure musical instruments above most things. I absolutely love playing & I love learning how to play instruments. One thing that would make that corner complete would be a trombone. I played trombone in high school & still do when I go back to play during graduation & stuff. I miss playing it & would definitely play more if I had my own.

I love the park. Especially the swings. When I was younger, I loved playing on the swings, trying to go faster & faster & higher & higher. It made me feel like I was flying. And then we'd jump off the sings & fly through the air... oh good times. There's also this coffee place I like going to in Hollywood, called the Bourgeois Pig. I haven't been lately - I think I last went in October, after a Lee Ritenour concert at a jazz club, so that's when I took this photo. There's a used bookstore that's up the street that I love going to as well; they have a bunch of old jazz records.

Last but not least, my backyard, lolz. Ten minutes after I took this, it started to rain again, hahaha.

I was supposed to go to school today, but my niece is sick & no one could watch her. That & my dad didn't want me to drive on the 405 from the valley to Santa Monica, hahaha.

picture post, meme meme meme meme, a day in the life

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