it's been a long time coming.

Dec 19, 2008 02:31

For a while now, I've barely had any sense of a photoshopping muse at all, except for the few cases in which I would make some Indy/Harrison walls, none of which have really fulfilled my photoshopping appetite, although I did enjoy what it was I came up with.* That & my love has been flying back & forth between Harrison Ford & Lee Pace for quite some time now & I've slowly been falling back in love with The Fall, regardless of whether I've watched it recently or not. It seems to have a tendency to pull me back into it's mastery of vivid images, composition, well, just everything. It's funny, the images tend to distract the viewer from the plot because they seem to be so powerful & again, it's worth the second (or third or fourth, or how many times one needs to grasp the film) viewing.

Well anyway, after looking at Tarsem's visual companion on Rotten Tomatoes a couple of days ago, seeing some photographs of the shoot with his words going along with each shot, my muse slowly, but surely, started to return while churning out some ideas of what to do. Then, while "revamping" my "friends-only" post, I realized (well, I always knew, but I could never think of anything to do) that I was bored of my Remus Lupin header ('It was the natural order of things. All things must die.' - Roy Walker) & decided to make one for The Fall. The photograph of Charles Darwin (Leo Bill) struck a chord with me, and although I have yet to completely identify aforementioned chord, I just knew that I had absolutely fallen in love with it.

Well anyway, I'm not very much in the mood for some obnoxious linking to my journal, so one (or two) line should be fine. Alrighty then, enjoy jivefish v. 4056 - The Fall. That probably doesn't make sense, but at the current time (it seems to be 2:50 in the morning), I really don't give a damn.

jivefish jivefish jivefish jivefish
jivefish jivefish jivefish jivefish

signing off, s.

* I seem to enjoy run-on sentences.

the fall, layout shizahs

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