so close to reaching that famous happy ending.

Nov 02, 2008 02:11

Alrighty then, since I was tagged by anotherkateyfan, I figured I may as well. I haven't updated a fortnight (oh hohohohoho) & I thought I should.

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

01. What's the last DVD you watched?
Singin' In The Rain

02. What are you wearing at the moment?
a grey fossil shirt, nike basketball shorts & a green beanie from H&M (it's like my fucking security blanket, lolz.)

03. Who is/was your favorite cartoon character?
Hm...Mickey Mouse... & Jack Skellington.

04. What is your favorite scent?
Lavender isn't too bad. Neither is Cucumber Melon. Oh, I had some shampoo that smelled good too, but I forgot what it was.

05. What video games are you playing at the moment?
I actually just started playing Star Wars Battlefront: II again today. =D

06. What do you drink the most?
Water. Coffee, kinda... Pomegranate Blueberry juice!

07. Is there a useless thing that you cannot brace yourself to throw out?
Concert tickets! The Remus Lupins! Beirut! John Williams! aaahhhh!

08. Who was your first big crush?
I'm not afraid to admit it...Pierce Brosnan, lolz. OH JAMES BOND.

09. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A SCIENTIST! Hahaha, random, I know, but at the time, my idea of what a scientist did was what Mickey Mouse did in his basement in those cartoons. XD

10. What are your favorite song(s) of the moment?
I've been listening to so much different stuff lately, I wouldn't know where to start. There's 'More Beats and Pieces' by Coldcut, a bunch of stuff by Nujabes, 'A Bird and a Wire' by Morgan Enos, 'Different Colors' by Fantastic Plastic Machine, 'Lua' by Bright Eyes, Lupe (as usual), etc etc etcccccccc

11. Why do you vote?
I'm not gay, but one of my best friends is, & I heard the best quote the other day while watching a PSA that was created to get younger people to vote & Neil Patrick Harris says it best: 'I vote because I fell in love and I want it to matter.' It's one day where we can most definitely have our voices heard. Who cares if you have to wait in line. It's one thing we can do to insure changes in our future. Speaking of which...

image Click to view

12. What 5 people would you want to work with?
Steven Spielberg - cos when it comes to directing, I look up to him the most.
Lee Pace, Harrison Ford, John Simm - three actors I'd most love to work with, mainly because they are fantastic in their own different ways.
John Williams - A long shot, I know, but I'd love to have a Williams score on a film I directed (if I do go into directing).

13. What is your current desktop?
The Pushing Daisies promo with Chuck (Anna Friel) in the coffin and Ned (Lee Pace) with his arm around it with the most awkward-looking smile ever but it's the cutest thing ever. =D

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
She seems pretty fucking cool to me.

15. What are you afraid of?
The list could go on & on & I wouldn't know where to stop.

16. Where would you love to go in your next holidays?
I was suddenly reminded of how much fun my family is (one of my cousins had a wedding last weekend - which I still need to slightly update about) & I wouldn't mind going up there for Thanksgiving or Halloween.

17. What are you into right now?
Non-stop reading (which reminds me, I have an introspective on my love of reading that I'd like to write about), constant ukulele/guitar/piano playing, editing, interning at the studio

18. What did you do today?
Woke up to rain (awesome), ate, watched some TV (Jon & Kate Plus Eight & Made of Honor), went to pick up some video games, played video games, bought food, ate, played more video games, & now I'm still online.

19. What do you want?
Security, hopefully an internship/job in the film/tv industry, to work on a film sometime soon.

20. What should you be doing right now?
Seeing as it's 2 in the morning...sleeping.

21. What's the meaning behind your LJ username/name/nicknames you go by?
Hmm...jivefish? No meaning really. Just came up with it one day & it stuck. Sam? Well since my name is Samantha...

Ta-ta-tagging... mandy_thewlis, wackass, storybox, thatlivelygirl, 4theloveofindy, geekery15, inthegiggleloop, aaaaaand...allwhowander121. Enjoy kiddies.

Btw, I know I've been a terribly LJ friend lately, no commenting & all that fun stuff. So do what you will, I don't really mind. Ta ta.

signing off, s.

meme meme meme meme, a day in the life

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