truly destined to be a dork.

Aug 14, 2008 16:08

Earlier today at work, someone left a TV on in one of the rooms. So I'm doing my thing, filing, writing the balances on the green sheets in the charts, etc etc, blah blah blah. But for some STRANGE REASON, over the drilling & other dentistry stuff going on in the background, I all of a sudden hear the Raiders March. & in my head, I'm like 'Harrison Ford?' So covertly, cos I'm secret agent like that, I go find out what's on the telly. To my joy, it's the episode of The View with Harrison Ford & Karen Allen from when Crystal Skull first came out, lolz. So I text my friend about it & she's like 'you would be watching that.' BUT, I tell her the story & she goes (by the way, this is completely the highlight of my day):

'Oh my god, he is calling you by theme song.'

=D =D =D =D

That is all, the end.
I should probably pay more attention at work, lolz.

signing off, s.

geekness to the max, harrison ford, indiana jones, a day in the life

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