stolen meme, entry number 630273612.

Jul 15, 2008 21:29

Cos I should probably be cleaning, or checking the laundry, or working on a fanvid.
Stolen from - justahazygirl

meme 001.

You are the _______ to my _______.
Not sure where I'll post this, maybe I'll make some random entry. Those are always fun.

meme 002.

Leave a testimony about me. By that I mean a short little comment about me (the more the better!). Probably be added to random post, noted above.

meme 003.

List seven songs you are into right now. no matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your summer. Post these instructions in your LJ along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they're listening to.

01. Because of You remix - NeYo feat. Kanye West
02. Digital Love - Daft Punk
03. Do You Know What Film Theorists Are Like? - Existential Hero
04. Forever - Chris Brown
05. O Leãozinho - Beirut
06. The Emperor's Soundtrack - Lupe Fiasco
07. Marion's Theme - John Williams (Raiders of the Lost Ark OST)

Not tagging, wanna do it, go for it.

meme 004.

Stolen from all over the flist.

List fifteen fictional characters you would make out with (or go all the way, if that's your thing) and tag five people to do the same.

01. Indiana Jones - oh baby.
02. John Sheppard
03. Ned the Pie Maker
04. Han Solo
05. Remus Lupin
06. The Doctor
Yeah, that's all I got.

meme 005.

1. Post a list of fandoms.
2. Have your friends guess your favorite character from each fandom.
3. When guessed, add to the list your favorite characters and a sentence explaining why you like them.

01. Indiana Jones
02. Doctor Who
03. Pushing Daisies
04. Harry Potter
05. Dead Like Me
06. Wonderfalls
07. Life on Mars
08. Spaced
09. Firefly
10. Nodame Cantabile

BLAH. I think I'll shower & then play some Battlefront II.
Plan for tomorrow: drop off Analynn, go eat breakfast at Le Pain Quotidien (maybe?), buy some Skyflakes, then go to work. It's possible I may start working more hours, which I really don't mind. It just sucks cos it's not as busy as it used to be. Dunno if it ever will be. =[

signing off, s.

meme meme meme meme, a day in the life

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