cos summer did it, & i'm a sheep too.

Jun 16, 2008 01:42

But not as much of a sheep as Sylvia, lolz.

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.

I have 15. So I picked them all. OH WELL.

NED! Honestly, I just thought Lee's facial expression looked adorable & he's like 'iieeeeee!' =D

Oh Teyla. All SGA fans know that she wouldn't ever say this outloud, but we all KNOW she thinks it. Teyla's such a badass & is one of my favorite fictional female characters ever. Plus, her character fights with Filipino martial arts. Love right there.

If I have to explain this...then you all fail. Cos really? Remus + chocolate = super OTP. No offense to Tonks & all.

Cos Chuck & Olive are so BFFs. & plus, how adorable are they?

Oh Olive. Your expression totally sums up how everyone feels when something is FTW.

Cos David Thewlis is one of my top two badasses, right next to Harrison Ford. Like really, sure, the picture just seems like whatever, but there's just something about this picture I completely & utterly love. Oh DT, you slay me.

Commie Hair. Megaphone. THE END.

Nodame + Chiaki = love. Like really, throughout the main series, you could so tell that he really cared for her & all that. But this hug at the piano while they were in Europe? My shipper heart exploded.

Hehehe, oh Ned. Awkward people are my absolute favorite people ever, mainly cos I'm a bit awkward too. Okay, more than a bit, completely & utterly. So of course, I love Ned to THE MAX. He just has this awkwardness to him that is strangely like mine, except for the whole, not wanting to touch people cos of his power. But I don't really like touching people either. But I do love hugs...

Hahaha, my favorite part from Partners in Crime. I love the Doctor. I really do.

BEIRUT! Probably one of the only bands that can truly blow my mind live. Horns a plenty, varied instruments, nothing that most are used to. Love.

HAHAHAHAHA, my 'angry' icon. I like to have icons that help to emphasize my mood, & usually it tends to be someone with a weapon, ready to shoot someone, or something with the word 'disapproves' or some shit like that. But I don't think anything can beat Indiana Jones with a rocket launcher. Cos it's Indy. Hehehe.

My OTP to the max. Like really, of all the three girls from the movies, Marion is the only girl who, in my opinion, could TRULY handle Indy. She was the only one who could match up with his wit & all of that. She kept him on his toes. & No matter what he might have felt for Willie (...) or Elsa (dumb bitch), nothing would OR could compare to how he felt for Marion. Plus, did you not see his dorky expression when he saw her in KOTCS? & How happy he looked when he thought she was gonna hug him? =D

=D =D =D =D =D =D
Young Harrison Ford con scruff (usually circa Raiders of the Lost Ark) is my downfall. My absolute weakness. I believe this photo was taken sometime in the 80s. I'm a sucker for facial hair, something I didn't expect, but lately, I've truly been loving it on guys. Anyway, I don't think this picture completely shows it, but truly, this man is an absolute dork (well, I like to think he is) & I completely adore it. I love dorks, if you all haven't noticed. Not only that, he has a fantastic body too (he's wearing nothing but a swimsuit in this picture, I pretty much died when I saw it.). He's still surprisingly fit for his age. Like seriously, have you seen his arms? Hot damn. I love his smile too. & although you can't really see it in the picture, but his eyes are to die for. Plus, I love the fact that he's all like 'no, I don't think I'm sexy.' & how he doesn't like looking in the mirror. Guys like that are love.

ZACH CONDON. Really, I've been musically-fangirling this man since like, October. He's amazing. Only 22 & he & his band are...they're so untouchable. Seeing them live cemented that fact. They're so fantastic & talented. I love seeing bands, excuse me, groups (Tito.) where all the members could play the other instruments. Like the accordion player? He played the upright bass for one of the live songs. The violinist played the mandolin. Not to mention Natchez, he's fucking awesome. But back to Zach. I adore his voice, whether he's just talking or singing, just hearing it soothes me. He's a crooner & I love it. I love his french horn tattoos on the inside of his wrists. I love his style. I love how he loves to drink on stage. I love how he & the rest of the band members wanted more beer & had someone go on a beer run for them during one of the encores.

The Laker game today...I'm glad they won, but it was just so sloppy. They haven't played a clean game this whole series & that makes me sad. Pau, step up your game! I mean, yeah, you were a lot more aggressive in this game, but you just gotta keep doing that if you want the ring. I believe sonnn! & Kobe! You aren't closing out games like before, what's up with that? Btw, I felt pretty bad for Odom when he was accidentally kneed in the groin by Paul Pierce. Like they replayed it & paused it right when he like, cups himself. I laughed, but it was like awww...oooh. Ouch.

Oh, speaking of Kobe...a couple of weeks ago, I had the strangest dream with Kobe. I forgot why he was there (fuck, I don't even remember where exactly we were, but it was somewhere in LA) but we were just chilling or something. & then we go to Sanrio - if you think that's weird, wait till this part. We fucking steal, or at least attempt to, CANDY from the store. Of all things, candy. & out of all places, Sanrio. I mean, like wtf? & then I asked him if he ever got sick of hearing Raiders Theme & then I was like, oh wait, wrong person.

Yes, I am very strange.
Still phoneless.

signing off, s.

pau gasol, meme meme meme meme, a day in the life

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