Mar 12, 2008 20:10


WHOOO! I'm fucking EXCITED for DH. Two parts! David Yates! (Err...only because whatever Yates does, Hooper scores...)

One can only hope that John Williams will be back for 7. I mean...I really don't think Nicholas Hooper can convey the right amount of emotion for Deathly Hallows. I mean, did you imagine ANY of the themes from OotP while reading DH? I didn't. Resurrection Stone: A Window to the Past. Just imagine what Williams would do for The Battle of Hogwarts.

Look at how much there was in the Prisoner of Azkaban OST & it was only the 3rd book! I know Hooper's doing the 6th movie right now & I hope that it's better than the Order of the Phoenix OST.

One can only hope that John Williams comes back & finishes what he started. It only seems right to do so.

signing off, s.

ftw, harry potter

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