the diamond wasn't big enough!

Mar 08, 2008 21:53

'I realized it just as I passed the Tower of London.'
[i swoon.]

So. Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.

You have to understand that I only went to watch the movie because of Lee Pace. & I eventually fell in love with Amy Adams, she's adorable. Anyway, I thought the movie was cute. It was jazzy & romantic comedy-ish & Lee was all pianisty. I loved it. I'm trying to go into a more competent review right now, but Lee *just* started singing & I'm getting distracted.

Okay, I'm just gonna copy & paste my review from Flixter:

This movie was absolutely adorable! I will admit, the only reason I wanted to watch this movie was because of Lee Pace, & while he certainly did make the experience loads more fun that it would've been, I've always been a sucker for romance comedies. Amy Adams attracts everyone's attention, Frances McDormand was absolutely brilliant, & Lee. Oh Lee, what to say about him. He "played" piano. He sang. He absolutely captured my heart more than he already has. The ensemble cast was just amazing. This movie was truly entertaining & I would definitely go see it again.

Amy Adams plays someone who seems to fit her personality, it's amazing. While it can be predictable, the "cuteness" of the film distracts you from it...kind of. I kept imaging Shirley Henderson saying 'Oh Harry, if you die, you can share my toilet.' But I also remember her from Doctor Who. There's another Doctor Who actress in the movie as well, Christina Cole, she played Lilith in 'The Shakespeare Code.' She was also in What a Girl Wants. Anyway, the ensemble cast was brilliant.

The soundtrack! I just have to say that I loved it. For the jazz kid in me, I was automatically drawn to it. And now, since Lee said that he learned to play the piano for this, I wanna hear what he learned. Hahaha

If this review makes sense to you, then good on ya. =]

signing off, s.

lee pace, movie review

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