Jan 14, 2008 19:20

'The other music is a monster. Like this.'

Down for more random adventures? *thumbs up*
So, Saturday. The plan was to go watch Juno at 7:50 with Tim & Sylvia at Winnetka (so Tim could play DDR...*rolls eyes). Yeah, no go. Hahaha, we got there late, line was long. So we decided to go to the theatres at the mall & watch Sweeney Todd around 10 something. So I played DDR with Tim cause Sylvia wouldn't do it & may I just say how amusing it was? Anyway, so we went to Cold Stone's & I got The Pie Who Loved Me...bwahahha. Then we went to the theatres to see what time it was at, then went to Borders where I proceeded to confuse them by hiding (side note, I'm very tempted to throw something at my niece) amongst the film books & DVDs. Then they found me while I was trying to sneak back up the stairs after I went down to peruse the bargain books and magazines. Well anyway, we ended up NOT going to the movies & then just sat inside the Starbucks at Porter Ranch for a good 2 hours til close - which is why we got free food we didn't eat. Hahahha. Then we skipped (by we, I mean Tim & I cause Sylvia's timing is off) across the parking lot to Ralph's where I was pushed around in cart. We watched a febreeze can perform a driveby on Sylvia! =O Hahahahaha. I bought candy & chocolate (^_^). Then we dropped Tim off & Sylvia brought me home where I then uploaded the 245 pictures that we took that night. Hahahaha - if anyone's interested, here ya go.

So it's my last week here, then I leave next Tuesday. It's gonna be an interesting 4 or so months...

signing off, s.

a day in the life

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