sally cinnamon, you are my world.

Dec 02, 2007 18:41

'Until Sally, I was never happy.'

I love the Stone Roses.

Anyway, apparently, PoA's on ABC Family right now. Sadly, I must refuse to turn on the telly for fear of the distraction that David Thewlis provides as Remus Lupin. Damn paper. Although I could've finished it earlier...if it wasn't for the distraction that the internet so readily provides. *shrugs* It's like a drug. Hahaha. So my friend is giving me play by play on what's going on, even though I'm pretty sure I know the movie like the back of my hand by now. Which is...anyway.

I'd just like to say, the scene that first introduces Lupin, no, not the one where he's sitting there looking like a drunk (I AM NO DRUNK!), but actually the precursor to the scene, where the camera pans over him & his eyes open. I absolutely love that, it's such a great shot. I blame the eyes. He has such great eyes.

It's come to my attention that I have a completely smutty mind, while discussing the CRAZY GARY OLDMAN 'Wanted Sirius Black' & Remus Lupin busts. I blame it ENTIRELY on the kids I knew growing up. Oh ho ho ho ho...


Anyway, as another distractor, I'm stealing this meme from mandy_thewlis.

1. Elaborate on your default icon. Ned! I don't know, I just loved his expression in that scene, the man's adorable.

What's your current relationship status? Single suckaaa.

Ever have a near-death experience? I don't think the car crash in the mall parking lot counted, unless we were in my sister's car rather than my parents. But I guess the car thing after prom was pretty damn close. I mean, we kind of just sat in the car, next to the carpool lane on the 405. & then there was the walking across the carpool lane in the middle of traffic.

Name an obvious quality you have. I'm completely & utterly random. Ask anyone that knows me.

What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now? Well, I'm listening to Tainted by Slum Village right now, but that's not it. I'd have to say WISH by Arashi. I don't know why, I always end up hearing the damn song in my head.

Any celeb you would marry? I'd have to say Rupert Grint. It'd be a little weird for me to say someone like Joe Flanigan, one, because I'm a number of years younger than him & two, he's Summer's. =P David Thewlis? Made for Anna Friel, they're too damn cute together. But if not Rupert Grint, who I absolutely love. He bought a frikkin' ice cream truck. Yes, if not Rupert, I'd say Lee Pace. He's so, I love him.

Who will cut and paste this first? Either my sister or Summer. Not sure.

Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity? Nope.

Do you wear a watch? What kind? I have a nice Fossil watch, big leather band & stuff. I love it.

Do you have anything pierced? Not anymore, ear piercings closed in when I was a wee one.

Do you have any tattoos? Nope.

Do you like pain? Nope.

Do you like to shop? Depends on what it is.

What was the last thing you paid for with cash? FOOD. =]

What was the last thing you paid for with your credit card? I ain't got no credit card, suckaaa.

Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? The parents, cause I had to talk to them about the whole phone being missing.

What is on your desktop background? I love my Mac & its rotating background capabilities. So it's a mix of Pushing Daisies promos (cast & individuals - Lee & Anna), some Wonderfalls walls, a couple of David pictures, a David wall, a bunch of Lee photos, two Remus pictures, some Beecake pictures, some Tokyo Jihen pictures & screenshots, some Threadless designs, a MegaTokyo drawing, some John Simm pictures, some stuff I've made, a picture of me, my sister, & Lee, other random stuff, & a screenshot from Ouran with the pineapple laptop! =]

What is the background on your cell phone? =[ The front screen was a picture of the Coexist design & the main screen was the picture of Mr. Falls that my sister set.

Do you like redheads? I did say I would marry Rupert Grint, didn't I?

Do you know any twins? There were twins in my graduating class last year.

Do you have any weird relatives? Every single one of them. I love them to death, why do you think I turned out the way I did?

What was the last movie you watched? At the cinema - Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D. At my house or apartment... does the animated short 'Rejected' count? If not...I'd have to say Jurassic Park & Ocean's Thirteen Thanksgiving night.

What was the last book you read? I'm still reading The Late Hector Kipling by David Thewlis. I'm loving it so far. But uh...The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster.

Is there such a thing as love at first sight, or it is more likely to be "lust at first sight"? Don't know, never really experienced either.

What's your favorite book? It's a toss-up between The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban.

When was the last time you visited the street where you first lived? Probably the last time I went to my aunt's house...I think it was the week before I moved up here?

When was the last time you googled your own name? Hm...don't remember.

What was/is your favorite subject at school? I hate to say it, but my math class. It's so easy & it's terribly amusing. My TV class isn't that bad either.

What was is your least favorite subject at school? Usually, math. But at the moment, math & science. Can't stand 'em.

Do you like having your photograph taken? I don't mind it, but I like taking pictures.

What time were you born? No idea.

Ever seriously questioned your sanity? Of course.

How many phone numbers do you have remembered and can say off the top of your head? Probably 5, not counting my own.

Can you limbo? I don't even remember the last time I limboed.

Have you ever killed your own dinner? Never.

How long have you been living at your current residence? About 4 months.

What phobias do you have? Losing family & friends. Being completely unsuccessful with what I'd like to accomplish. Not graduating.

What's your ideal breakfast? Cereal. Ooh, no, chocolate chip pancakes. Or chocolate chip waffles. I love chocolate.

Where are you right now? Sitting on the couch in the apartment.

Why do you blog? I just love writing, whether it be about my day or about nothing at all. It's funny to look back at what I've written & seeing what kind of teenage angsty crap I pulled.

What would you call your autobiography? WHORE. Just because I tend to call people that all the time. Would that be misleading?

What's the longest time you've stayed out of the country/where? I'm not sure how long I was in the Philippines when I was younger, but as far as I can remember, the two & a half week stint in Europe with my sister & mom.

Do you use ICQ, AIM, etc..? I do use several chatting programs, but that's because it's really the only way for me to keep in touch with a lot of my friends & sister. I'm not much of a phone person, so I'm online quite a bit.

Do you have nightmares frequently? I don't recall my last nightmare, so it hasn't been for a while. I do have a lot of sweet dreams, either involving an actor I fancy, nothing bad, I assure you, just those playful, slightly cavity-inducing sweet dreams. Hand holding & the like. =P

If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Yeah, I like to think I'm a wonderful ball of random sunshine. Or at least, that's what my friends tell me.

Which TV character could you be friends with? Oooh. That's a tough choice...I'd go with Chuck, from Pushing Daisies. Not pre-alive again Chuck, cause that wouldn't make sense, would it? She, like Olive, just seem so bubbly & I love people like that. She kind of reminds me of my best friend, but she's not as random. Or weird. Or open.

What's on your mouse pad? Don't have one.

What is your ring tone? The default VZW ringtone. I'm too lazy to download songs.

What did you watch on TV last night? I didn't watch TV last night. Actually, I barely watch TV now, unless it's Daisies or Stargate Atlantis.

Scary movies or happy endings? I'm a wuss, I can't take scary movies, unless it's like Shaun of the Dead. But yeah, happy endings.

Okay, I should get back to my paper now. Dammit. God, I wish I had a paid account again. I have a bunch of icons I want to use. =[

signing off, s.

harry potter, remus lupin is made of win...& chocolate, meme meme meme meme, a day in the life

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