i'd trust you, but trust is such a dirty word.

Oct 29, 2007 20:39

'Oh, that's it! Blank it all out! Blank it all out till you just atrophy & die of fuckin' indifference.'

So I just walked around San Francisco for two & a half hours, or at least this part of the 'shitty' around SFSU & I swear...it was just so damn good. I should really do it more often. Anyways, I did it because I'm writing my critical thinking midterm paper on Naked & I'm writing one paragraph on Johnny. Anyway, I have a shitload of stuff to write about him, but I couldn't get it into any coherent sentences to build my argument on. So I decided to wander around a bit, to see if I could think a little bit like Johnny, & then I just suddenly got into the mood to verbally attack people. It was a little odd, but it felt good. Although I didn't actually do it to anyone, but I certainly was gonna if someone started to stare at me for sitting in random places & reading.
I'm not a fucking monkey in a cage. Ooh, I had it prepared.

Side note: Monkey's a fun word to say. Plus, they're pretty kick ass animals, if I do say so myself. That also reminds me...stop staring at my monkeys! I still can't believe I said that, & it was one of the most funniest yet awkward innuendos I've ever said. You just had to be there. Or at least see my monkey shirt.

But anyways, I got my mind wrapped around my ideas, a little. But I'm still not in the mood to finish my paper. Like wow. There are just so many things I want to say that are relevant to the movie but not to my paper. It's actually really relaxing just walking around. Although I wish there were more people around for me to observe, it's just completely & utterly rejuvenating, it would have been liberating if I actually let loose on someone & lay it on. But I didn't. Although if I saw a certain person, I so would've said something. I was just in that mood. My roommate thinks me weird because of it...but this movie fucking affects you. It really is one of the best movies I've ever watched & I still can't believe I sat through it three times, despite certain scenes that made me wanna turn the damn thing off, it's just..unnerving. Of course I'd like it. I'm fucking odd.

Oh. & just because this video needs to get out there. It needs to be seen, motherfucker, seen!

image Click to view

Anyway. I think I'll head on over to Microsoft Word & finish up that paper. I gotta turn it in before class because they're screening HP & OOTP at 7 - I can't go to the 4 o'clock screening cause I'm going with my friend to her job interview. Innit nice to know I got my priorities straight?

signing off, s.

ftw, harry potter, a day in the life, random

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