well nerd dork slut its all the same.

Aug 17, 2007 00:46

'...i'm the girl who puts eyeliner on a poster of one of her favorite HP characters & you're worried that i may think you're weird?'

Pushing Daisies? Me likes. =]

I ended up going to the free preview screening at Hollywood Forever Cemetery...it was quite fun. At one point, my sister started dancing to the music that was playing & I see (at least I'm sure it was. His girlfriend was there so it's natural to assume that he was there.) David Thewlis walking by, carrying his daughter & dancing with her. It was adorable. Of course, I watched him until he walked into the...celebrity people area (cause y'know, that's what they're called.). Now that I think about it, I regret not going up to him for a photograph. Didn't want to interrupt him dancing, they looked happy (hahaha, I laugh at my corniness.). I assumed that Anna Friel was going to be there afterwards for pictures & stuff. Apparently not, it was only Lee Pace that stayed afterwards for picture taking. & they gave out little pies! Sadly, it was only if you got a red ticket, but Victor smuggled them for me & my sister...she gave hers to him cause she didn't want it.

Anyhow, I liked it, it made me giggle. I thought the dialogue was witty. Slightly corny at times, but it was quirky. Reminded me of Joss Whedon's writing. Most definitely catching the show when it comes on in the fall. BEST PART, I swear, this like, made my life right there. So Ned (Pace) was explaining some things to Chuck (Friel) & he goes 'That's how I roll.' I absolutely burst out laughing because of one guy only - Andres Cuevas. Oh that JEA trip was priceless. But really, that's how I roll is one of the best lines, ever.

But yeah. Seeing David Thewlis made my last week here. Bwahahahahahha. It really did. He was like, one actor I thought I would never see in person. (It would really kill my happy if it wasn't him, just some dude who looked like him. I NOTICED A MOUSTACHE, YOU CAN'T SAY IT WASN'T!) hahahaha!

tim: you and this david thewlis
tim: it's not like he's given you chocolates or anything...
tim: you should forget about 'im
I love my best friend. =]
steph: very true its not as if he has given you chocolates or anythign hahahaha
SRSLY. my best friends are made of win.

Oh! & nicked from astrum_presul

What fictional character do I most remind you of? (Personality-wise, not looks-wise, because not all of you have met me.) (but you can answer both if you're so inclined:))

Feel free to steal or not steal.

Tomorrow = Disneyland fun (sarcasm intended) with the little ones. Maybe Death at a Funeral? Saturday = pack pack packing, maybe shopping with the mother, maybe dinner with Steph & Tim (hopefully).

signing off, s.

meme meme meme meme, david thewlis, a day in the life

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