so uh, hows about them psychological thrillers?

Feb 11, 2007 21:17

'This Starburst is wack. Wack, I say.'

So after having a nice long conversation with Tim about our former section leaders who now get drunk, at least, I know Anil does, picturing Jason drinking just doesn't work with me. I mean, the guy freaked out when I told him I was gonna put bourbon in a birthday cake I baked for him. Oh yes, and how 'Basketball and out with the brothers' is code for 'hanging out at the crib downin' 40s'...we finally decided on two things.

1; hor the nigth! is my drunken battle cry & I am the leader for drunks everywhere. Yeah, that's what I get for sending a text message while drunk.
2; That I should finally post up what Tim and I came up with one night when we had the most random conversation...about, actually I don't really know what we were talking about. But it was about something. Yes, and it was decided during that conversation that we should never be allowed any Stargate actors while we are together...because we will scare them. He'd scare them with his insanity & I'd scare them just because I'd be laughing at everything.

Anyway, I digress...what was I talking about again?

Maybe one day I'll post the '...squirrel in pocket...' picture. According to Tim, that day is now. Oh yes! The inspiration for this complete show of dorkiness was a picture I'm sure everyone has seen was this.

Anyway...out of a long conversation about gaming systems, specifically, Nintendo 64 & Sega Genesis, this just seemed to have popped out of nowhere.

Oh, maybe one day, I'll use my Photoshopping skills for know like, playing around with A Dog's Breakfast pictures & making banners. *thinks about it* Nah.

It's was actually supposed to say NINTENDO SIXTY-FOOUUUURRRRR! Then my sister was like, 'No man, put Sega Genesis.'

AH! then there's this picture...

tim: i want a pet squirrel
tim: id name it vincent
me: hahah
tim: he'd ride on my shoulder
tim: and id teach him to attack people
tim: squirrels are so cool
tim: and adorable
me: but it goes something along the lines of i took a picture with david hewlett & he had a squirrel sticking out of his pocket.
tim: ...
tim: that sounds inappropriate
me: hahahah
tim: i would stay away from that man
me: hahah
me: now im gonna have to look at the picture.
me: hahah
tim: eww..
me: oh god.
tim: that sounds inappropriate too
me: you bastard.

Oh God, it's like post_secret...that damn black stripe. Once again, this is why Tim & I should never be allowed Stargate actors.

And this has nothing to do with my jealousness of Hewlett owning a 17" MacBook Pro...damn, I hope I get one for graduation. I'll need it at SFSU. YAY FOR MAJORING IN FILM!


ZOMG! John Legend, on the Grammys, playing Coming Home! I love that song...which reminds me...I never did finish that vid I was doing when I was playing around on WMM.

Now it's Gravity by John Mayer. Oh, House.

Maybe I should start on my Econ homework...

The joys of eating Chinese pork chops & rice while drinking Chai. I love it. =D

signing off, s.

graphics, convos, tim, david hewlett, me = high on crack

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