there was just something...

Dec 20, 2006 20:09

'Doogiddy dooo!'

So there's this short little fic that I seem to have completely forgotten about...then as I read what I wrote, I thought, OH! This is perfect for some people. So this here fic is dedicated to all them peoples out there who love Joe Flanigan in a certain cream colored hoodie. Actually, this is really just for one person cause I know she'll love it. Hopefully. *crosses fingers*

Fic: Hair [or Untitled. Whatever you think is better.]
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
By: Sam/jivefish
Pairing: John Sheppard/You
Category: Romance? Eh.
Warning: Them Pegs One pictures. Muahaha, that's what inspired me. Oh, btw, twasn't beta. =P
Summary: "...all kinds of thoughts."

That man...I wanted to know how he could always get to me. There was just something in particular, I knew it, that I couldn't stop thinking about. I seriously did not know what it was.

It wasn't his cocky flyboy attitude, his charming personality, or his boyish smile that sent all types of thoughts into my mind. And when I saw all kinds of thoughts , I mean all kinds of thoughts.

Well, they did have some part in that action, but no, it wasn't that.

So while I was sitting in the mess hall, picking at what counted as food here on Atlantis, I thought about what it could be. I was thinking about it so damn hard, I didn't even realize that he had walked in and sat down right in front of me. I finally looked up and the first thought it my head was, 'Damn, he looks good in that cream colored hoodie. And those jeans...whoo.' Staring at him, it suddenly hit me what it was that got me so damn riled up.

There was just something about that man's hair I just can't get out of my head.

Short, yes, I know. Nothing special, but hey, it amuses me. So whatever. =D

signing off, s.

writing post, happy christmas!, fics, friends

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