Notes to self

Jun 08, 2010 19:33

Okay, so
I'd say


is the time ,

To Clean Your Room!!
(you will need it, esp. when Gramma and grampa are taken over the tv room.
Oh I can't believe this is happening ti me while I am *under the weather*
and *exhausted*
and I alos have to get an appointment for me, and more will probably follow, and the girls need their yearly chekups and i need dentist, and Frani is coming  maybe and I want to do Dera's playdate and it's (except for extra checkups, dentists, and prob. Girls' appnt) AAAAALLLLLLLLLL .  NEXT.  WEEK.

Breathe, breathe, breathe.

I am so tired now I can't even see straight and am just up late with Der a working on this project weare doing together that means
alot t her.  I need to tke a shower, cut baby's nails, and file and polish ot just trim mine, other self- maintenance, i fed the birds, and frenzy
man i really need a shower
i am so tired i jsut feel like Im going to die.

So the other stuff will have to be tomorrow. Oh CRap laundry...

I NEEEEEED to  clean room garage throw out stuff and right when i need her my mom will go into helpful but somewhat selfish in the fact that she ignores all my other needs of help with the kids and even exhausts herself which sucks- mode and try to clean amillion things before they come and i really really hope she won;t do that because I really really need her, even if it's just to let me take a frikkin' shower......
BUt she  has been so helpfula nd sweet lately......well always but she helped me out BIGTIME yesterday and took ed to the market (i mean asked him to take her) and bought me a bunch of things i needed.  SHe also brushes Dera's hair,a nd helps wih ehr bath...2 points of contention, conflict and stress for me and doo, between us....

So i will go now.
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