Oct 09, 2005 14:59

Its been two hours and i only have two fucking slides...bull crap....

thatsw aht i think about solar power and the big oil companies who delay its improvement....

On a good note.....

We had our little performance standards lunch yesterday, it was fun, im glad i went, then after that i jsut went home, and i was going to go to crispy's house, im sorry about that cristy, but sammy called and he bought tetril worlds and i hadsta go...

so there i was at sambos house playing various games of tetris, my fav being sticky tetris. It was fun, im not a gamer or ne thing like that, but he is, and im glad we could colaborate two of our interests tetris and x-box to bring us total joy. Then we played with his nephew, hes a badass, oh man we were just wrestling and stuff, and then my hair got in my face, and his nephew stopped and combed the hair out of my eyes and was all "der you go", and we continued to wrestle....i love him, im sorry sammyim leaving you for you two yr old nephew.

when "the dude" fell asleep me and sammy were playing a heated game of tickle fights and he was giving me several situations and showing me houw to use self defense to get out of them. I heart my stinky boy. Alas the time came where i had to depart...

as i lay asleep i awoke to the super mario brothers theme song which is my designated ring tone for sammy, and we talked until we both fell asleep


as 4:30 came i heard feel good inc, which is the ring tone for unknown numbers, i love surprises so i answer it and its my dearest friend matt, we talked for a long time about alot of different things, mostly relationships, hes amazing, and we decided that we must go to bed.

so when i hung up with him i was still on the phone with sammy, and he was sleeping, i could hear him breathe, then i felt lonely so i decided to wake him up, after about 5 minutes of sheer determination he woke up, and all i would tell him was i love you, it got to the point that i ddint wanna tell him that anymore because its meaning is so insignifacant to the feelings i actually have for him.....i love you just doesnt cut it any more....whats after i love you????

nevertheless i told him that i love him, always will and always have, i wanna be with him forever, and he fell asleep again, i ddint mind, i love hearing him sleep, almost as much as i love sleeping next to him.

Somehow i ended up here though, its about four fifteen and i still need to do my gov. but im probably going to play with kitty practice into the woods and put this off untill 11 o'clock monday night when its due tuesday morning....
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