Oct 19, 2005 22:57
The Cardinals as an organization will live to see another season, and while I am sad that they didn't do it this year, there's always the next. We just don't give up and thats part of why I love this team and living in this baseball town so much. What I am most sad about at this point is the fact that Busch Stadium as we know it, the park where I went to my first baseball game, the place where I learned to love baseball, the place where I went with my dad, grandpa, grandma, mom, and aunt on a father's day when I was a little kid, got waved to by Eduardo Perez from the outfield while sitting in the bleachers, sitting in the bleachers in general (for those of you who never did it- it was a total experience and honestly the best place to watch the game), talking about the architecture of the stadium with my ADPers, going with Lischuller my baseball buddy, watching the Cardinals win in the ninth inning with 2 outs and a man 3-2 in the count with my Dad will be gone. It never mattered what shitty seats you might be sitting in at Busch, they were always awesome because being in that park was magical. I know that that feeling of Cardinal love will follow the organization wherever they will play and at least that is something that can't and will never change in STL, still though it hurts to think that soon that park will be gone. I shed a tear tonight for Busch Stadium with its 60's style and arches surrounding. We are the best fans in baseball and we will love our Cardinals wherever they may play, but there will always remain a special place in my (and all of our hearts) for Busch Stadium as it stands today (even if that is for only a few more weeks)....
And if you're reading this and don't get it, you probably never will and for you I feel sad. This team, this town, that stadium, thats totally what the boys of summer and playoff October are about. (Seriously, liken us to Red Sox fans and you just begin to comprehend what baseball means to us).The STL love is something that only those of us from here and around here can truly understand and appreciate and I am so happy to have grown up here and have this team be my team. So Cardinal love continues and there is always next year, I am just going to miss this stadium that really did help to so much shape my perceptions of baseball and love for the game.