this is the most pimp thing ever!

Dec 20, 2004 23:34

SaCrEd HeArT giRls ArE pReTty
CaL GirLs aRe SmArT
buT iT TaKeS aN AsSuMpTiOn GirL tO Win A FeLlaZ hEaRt
MeRcY giRls aRe TaN
BaLlaRd GirLs gOt FlOw
buT iF yOo wAnT ThA CuTeSt GirL, AsSuMpTiOn's wHeRe tO gO
PrEz giRls aRe wiLd
EaSteRn GirLs ArE FuN
buT aN AsSuMpTiOn giRl iS a rOcKeT, cOmE On ThEy'Re NuMbEr OnE
GiRls WiLl b* nOrTh, sOuTh, EaSt Nd wEsT
buT AsSuMpTiOn giRls aRe aLwAyS RaTeD bEsT
tO aNy MaN whO rEadS ThiS, ii ThiNk yOo aLl shOuLd knO:
*iF yOo HaVe aN ASsuMpTiOn GirL, yOo shOuLd NeVa LeT hEr gO*
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