From the file of 'just how fucked up can things get?':
Judge loses $US54m pants case.
A judge in the US capital lost his $US54 million lawsuit against a dry cleaner over a pair of misplaced trousers in a case that became a symbol of the United States' lawsuit-happy legal system.
Roy L Pearson, an administrative law judge in Washington, claimed that a "satisfaction guaranteed" sign in Custom Cleaners misled consumers who, like him, were dissatisfied with their experience.
The judge hearing the case ruled that Pearson did not interpret that sign in a reasonable fashion.
"A reasonable consumer would not interpret 'Satisfaction Guaranteed' to mean that a merchant is required to satisfy a customer's unreasonable demands," DC Judge Judith Bartnoff wrote.
Pearson asked the cleaners to pay him $US1150 when they misplaced a pair of trousers he brought in for a $US10.50 alteration in May 2005.
The Chung family said Pearson refused to accept the trousers when they found them a few days later. Pearson said they were not his.
The slacks, gray with cuffs, were among the 70 items of evidence introduced at the two-day trial.
Pearson sought $US1500 for every day that Custom Cleaners displayed the "Satisfaction Guaranteed" sign during a four-year period, multiplied by the three defendants. He also sought $US15,000 to rent a car to take his clothes to another cleaner for 10 years.
It's the $15K to rent a car to take his clothes to another cleaner for 10 years that really makes it. Seriously, did the judge sit around drunk with his judge friends and think up stupid shit to put in the claim? Just how can you design a legal system that actually lets something that dumb go to court?
In other news
Germany bans Cruise film shoot over religion (Germany has barred the makers of a movie about a plot to kill Adolf Hitler from filming at German military sites because its star Tom Cruise is a Scientologist). Because taking money of rich religious weirdos, apparently doesn't fit with German culture anymore.
And I found the only 10 square centimetres of ice on our block when walking the dog this morning, and fell over on my ass and cut my hand. Owwie. At least the dog was very concerned for my well-being.