So in response to Bush sending another 20K or so troops to piddle around in the desert, NZ's Duty Minister Jim Anderton
attacks Iraq as 'another Vietnam'. Yeah no shit, did he only just figure that out? Of course the government backs away from his remarks and the opposition attacks him. It isn't hard to see the parallels between the two, sad that America supposedly kicked Vietnam syndrome in Gulf War 1, only to recreate it here in 'The Gulf War Returns'. I was listening to Australian Prime Minister Howard commenting, backing up Bush (as he tends to do on everything these days), basically saying that it would look bad now if America and the other countries pulled out of Iraq, as it would destabilise the region. Well, first off, there's very little indication that the region is at all stable at present. Secondly, can anyone say 'Domino Theory'? Didn't the world do all this against communism 40 years ago?
OK, so I'm going for most in/appropriate icon with this posting.
Yay for the people who yesterday went out protesting against
Guantanamo Bay. "More than 770 captives have been held at Guantanamo since its opening, of whom only 10 have been charged with crimes. About 395 prisoners remain there, suspected of al Qaeda and Taliban links." If I thought anything I could do had any influence on the world of George Bush, I'd be out there doing the same, but I'm not in that space at present. All fucked up in too many ways.
Also fucked up, but more in "wow Kyle, that's kinda stupid", two days ago my computer had a mini-crash on the desktop, but all the applications continued to run. So I continued to work, and play sudoku, and muck around on the internet etc. The afternoon seemed to be dragging, and when the cleaners came I looked at my clock and thought 'Wow, 3:50, they're here early". My watch had been irritating me, so I'd taken it off. I picked it up to put it back on after a while, and noted that it said 6:30. Hmm, my watch must be broken, looking up at computer screen. Still 3:50. Wait...
Yup, so on a day when I'd been intending to leave early because there was nothing to do, I'd actually stayed an hour and a half late. Go me.
Normally bad weather doesn't get me down. But since I've been back from holiday (a whole week now!), we've had nothing but miserable little rain, overcast, dribble, constantly. It's starting to annoy even me! And I want to skive off work for a day and mow my lawns and do my hedges, and I can't! Dammit.
In summary: Crappy war, crappy American government, crappy weather, stupid long day at work. I seemed to have blogged myself into a depressive state. Hmm. Must be lunch time.