slashthedrabble Challenge #137 - Gluttony

Sep 27, 2007 08:07

Thought I'd get my muses kicking again and do a few drabble challenges. Haven't done this in a while, but hey, here's something sparkly new for you all!

Hyena!Xander returns
100 words

"Oi, and they say vampires are messy eaters."

Xander growled low, eyes flashing under the Magic Box's new light fixtures. Spike shrugged his shoulders, head tilting to the side as he slouched back against the stair rail.

"We all know how I hate to say it, but he's right," Buffy said. "You completely shredded those poor things."

Willow gingerly picked up a plastic wrapper. "Do we even like jerky?"

Xander pouted at her and pulled the rest of his snacks to his chest. Spike chuckled too softly for anyone but Xander to hear. Stupid hyena, forbidding him from eating Twinkies.

SGA has suddenly popped onto my fandom radar. I've never even seen the damn show....
100 words

John liked watching Rodney yell. It was the best entertainment on this side of Pegasus, really. The throbbing vein in his neck? That was the signal to duck and cover. When Rodney, a man of quick insults, couldn't form words, that's when the genius was considering the best ways to hide your corpse.

John figured that, as military leader and Rodney's lover, it was his responsibility to save the poor cafeteria staff.

"What's up, Rodney?"

The scientist turned, bloodshot eyes glaring.

"No coffee."

John wasn't stupid enough to remind him that Rodney was the one who'd drank most of it.


btvs, drabbles, fanfic, sga

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