By your powers combined . . .

Jan 24, 2007 23:53

I am Captain Geekery!

xkcd did a comic on the wonders of wikipedia in which it was implied that he went from an article on "Tacoma Narrows Bridge" to "Lesbianism in Erotica" (amoung other things) simply by clicking the inner links (going first either to "Structural Collapse," or "Suspension Bridge").

So what did I do? Naturally I took this as a challenge to see how one might go about doing that.

Here's how I did it:

Tacoma Narrows Bridge -->
Structural Collapse -->
Deformations -->
Warping -->
Warp_drive_(Star_Trek) -->
Star_Trek_fan_productions -->
Fan_films -->
Fluffy_the_English_Vampire_Slayer -->
Faith_Lehane -->
Fictional_femmes_fatales -->
Aphrodite_(Xena_and_Hercules) -->
Eroticism -->
Erotica -->

EDIT: And here's how I did it the *2nd* time (because I'm just that freakish):

Tacoma Narrows Bridge -->
Suspension_bridge -->
Cable -->
Cable_(comics) -->
Marvel_Comics_mutants -->
Destiny_(Irene_Adler) -->
Lesbian -->

Vastly better I think. Plus, I got to successfully use my comics knowledge!

< /over geekdom >

geeky comics

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