Title: Never Act On Your Feelings
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Zhoumi, Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Kyuhyun/Ryeowook
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
A month after Sungmin's first death anniversary, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook broke up. Zhoumi was curious, but he couldn't approach Kyuhyun, so he approached Ryeowook instead. "Do you mind if I ask why you broke up with Kyuhyun?"
Ryeowook's answer was simple. "I feel like I'm just a replacement for Sungmin." It makes sense. Ryeowook and Sungmin has a lot of similarities. Short, cute, talented in cooking, singing, dancing and a lot more.
It was raining so Zhoumi brought his umbrella and some flowers to go out and visit Sungmin. Because it was raining, he didn't expect anybody to be at the cemetery. Of all people, Kyuhyun just had to be there completely drenched under the rain in front of Sungmin's gravestone.
Zhoumi thought of just walking away but Kyuhyun looked so sad. Sometimes it's better seeing Kyuhyun being mad at him rather than sad. "Sungmin wouldn't want you to get sick."
"I thought I told you not to come anywhere near Sungmin." Kyuhyun's voice didn't hold any anger. It just sounded sad and tired.
Zhoumi bent down to put the flowers in front of Sungmin's gravestone and went back to standing straight. "If Sungmin were to see you like this, what would he do?"
"Probably drag me to a dry and warm place, give me a change of dry and clean clothes, a cup of hot chocolate and snuggle to me with his own body warmth." Kyuhyun replied fondly as he reminisced over some past memories.
Zhoumi wanted to do those things for Kyuhyun but he doesn't want to act like Sungmin. "Well, you better get out of the rain before you catch a cold. You should start acting independantly since Sungmin won't be around to take care of you anymore."
"You're right. I should start acting independantly." Something in Kyuhyun had changed as Zhoumi's words managed to trigger something inside him. "I thought I moved on. I wasn't aware that I was relying on Ryeowook a lot because he was similar to Sungmin. I never thought I'd say this but... thank you, Zhoumi."
Kyuhyun and Zhoumi finally formed something remotely akin to friendship.
End of Chapter 4
A/N: See? There's hope for this pairing XD Comments please~!