Cute Hiccups

Jun 09, 2009 18:48

Theme: Set Charlie # 27 Old is gold 30smiles 
Pairing: Tablo/Sungmin

Sungmin's Cuteness Series Comeback!!!!

Title: Cute Hiccups

Tablo had invited some Super Junior members for a drink. It was something like Epik High and Super Junior bonding thing. As the night went on, Tablo had observed that everybody seem to be getting along quite well and getting very drunk as well.

DJ Tukutz and Ryeowook were surprisingly getting along very well, talking about composing music and as they got drunk, they started singing in an off-key tune something about old is gold. Heck, they were composing their own song and lyrics while being drunk.

Mithra was getting infected by Donghae, Heechul and Kangin’s talkativeness. They continued to talk as they continued to get more drunk and the way they talked continued to be more nonsense and not understandable but heck, they’re having fun with their not understandable conversation because they’re laughing their heads off.

Tablo was stuck with Eunhyuk, who was passed out from being drunk, and Sungmin, who was an incredibly cute drunk. He stared at Sungmin’s flushed cheeks and the way he hiccupped from time to time. He thought that Sungmin looked like a innocent, little boy with cuteness overload and heck, he must be crazy for thinking that even Sungmin’s hiccups sounded cute.

“I hate these hiccups. I can’t stop them.” Sungmin hiccupped again and pouted.

Tablo stared at Sungmin’s most adorable pout. Sungmin’s lips were thick, full and red almost like a woman’s lips smeared with glossy red lipstick. He suddenly had an urge to claim those lips. “I know a way to stop those hiccups.”

“Really?” Sungmin looked at Tablo with big, wide eyes and blinked cutely.

This time Tablo didn’t stop himself from claiming Sungmin’s lips, swallowing every hiccup until it was all gone and the only sounds that Sungmin could produce were moans.


A/N: Perhaps this fic is not as good or cute as the others but I miss writing short fics like this!!! ♥ One more theme to go!!! *excited* I’m gonna finish the challenge before the week ends!!! I just need to think of a plot for the last theme… hmmm… *starts thinking* 

sj: sungmin, epik: tablo

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