Who do you follow on Twitter?

Sep 30, 2010 07:27

I'm just curious. I'm going to try and cross-post this to facebook for maximum responses. :)

I follow:

Katee Sackhoff (Kara "Starbuck" Thrace of Battlestar Galactica fame)

Kevin and Dayna from my favorite podcast Made Of Fail (Link to the podcast)

Lord Voldemort XD

Misha Collins (Castiel of Supernatural fame)

Jane Espenson (My favorite Whedonverse writer. Also, writing sprints!)

2010's One Book, One Twitter Event (Which, if you missed it, was Neil Gaiman's "American Gods")

White Rabbit, Inc. (A marketing twitter for Alice, the SyFy miniseries WHICH IS AWESOME)

My friends Crystal, Lian, Shay, Marshal and Eric

Brianna Garcia (Artist, Disney lover, and all around interesting person)

The official twitter for NaNoWriMo (Link to actual site)

The Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel Glee dummy accounts

Cleolinda Jones (Blogger, author, and internet sensation XD)

Neil Gaiman (Author)

Nathan Fillion (Of Buffy, Firefly and Castle fame)

So? Who do you follow? Broaden our twitterific horizons!

You can follow ME, too! I'm sure I'm terribly interesting.


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