
Jun 30, 2010 22:43

At the very least, I now understand the difference between a New Moon and an Eclipse.

- They opened the movie with a fogged up windshield and a shot of Riley being turned. I think he was coming out of a movie theater? If so, nice work, movie-people.

- It starts and ends (after the title screen) in the meadow, which was nice symmetry.

- I actually prefer the way Bella acts and reacts to her choices in this movie. Instead of running off to see Jacob spur of the moment - which I did enjoy as well - she gets in a fight with Edward and goes off with Jacob because he's the one not lying to her.

- The big bed was not as huge as I expected, but it was pretty posh. It had this hilarious half-canopy that reminded me of Marie Antoinette's rooms at Versailles.

- I can't recall most of the "humorous" parts, but there were a few moments where it felt like the screenwriter was saying, "This is the funny part!" which actually detracted from the movie.

- Jacob tells Edward that he's hotter. Herp derp double entendre.

- Edward gets one back when he says, "Doesn't he own a shirt?" YES HE ACTUALLY SAYS THAT. The audience is wondering as well, Sparkleson.

- The sex talk was awkward and realistic and hilarious. "I'm still a virgin! *thumbs up*"

- Everything Billy does the whole movie was awesome and generally funny.

- It's amazing to me how they constantly talk about sex and never actually use the word "sex". I'm sort of impressed.

- Speaking of showing and not telling, Rosalie's flashback rape was tastefully done (as tastefully as something like that can be done) without anyone actually saying "rape." Come to think of it, I don't think "rape" is specifically stated in the book. I'll have to check.

- As a detractor to the Rosalie scene, it went very fast to the point of feeling rushed. My brother said, of this and the Jasper scene in the next point, "I would have liked to see more of that. Why aren't we watching that movie?"

- Jasper's scene was longer, but still very rushed. We got this creepy dream of Bella's however where she sees Jasper with Maria, and then Maria becomes Victoria, and Jasper stalks uncomfortably close to the camera and strikes just as she wakes up. NICE.

- Speaking of Victoria, I want to say first that I have a huge amount of love for Rachelle Lefevre. When I read the books, she is who I see in my head when I get to Victoria. Having said this, Bryce Dallas Howard does a great job as Victoria - she gets the feralness and the movement right, although I would have liked to see more cold calculation.

- They actually show the scene where Emmett crosses into Quileute territory. It hurt my eyes, in that they were moving very fast through the trees so that it looked like strobe lights. There was neat symmetry in that Emmett and Paul fight and growl at each other, and then during the battle, they look at each other like they've become comrades.

- Bree got an extra scene, apparently right after she was made. No cheeseburgers were harmed in the making of the film, however. :( She must have written Bree Tanner's story after they had written the script. Or after they had filmed.

- The battle scene was AWESOME. There was twirling and flipping and heads being punched in and arms ripped off and heads exploding in marbley powdery dust. There wasn't any blood, which we had a discussion about in the car - we were pretty sure that in the first movie when Edward rips out James's throat there was blood. In this movie, they had this really hilarious jaggedy ice effect, like their insides are made of popsicles. But not bloody red popsicles.

- The only drawback is that, I felt, it needed more decapitations. Yes, I said it. :p

- Her engagement ring was HUGE and GAWDY and COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS. And she didn't wear it the whole movie, it was pretty hilarious.

The darkness of the screen gave me a big headache, so I'm going to get off for now. :) Let me know what you guys think!

twilight, cinema

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