And then there were three ...

Feb 17, 2010 17:36

Just as an aside (or an update?) I've changed my mind - based on my previous bout of inspiration via Facebook earlier today. For those of you not on my Facebook:

Just. Do. It. Don't worry about what people are going to think of you, or if people won't take you seriously anymore, or if the yokels around town will be hostile. If it makes you happy, or it even has the POTENTIAL to make you happy, you should do it. Even if it isn't a "respectable adult" thing to be doing.

So instead of completely cheaping out, and possibly getting a poor-quality dress with scratchy petticoats that colour my ideas of the fashion and make me drop it before I ever begin, I've decided to get a moderately-priced dress from a reputable distributor of Hong Kong lolita brands.

I'm sure I'm going to get a bit of shit from the brandwhores for not "saving up" so my first dress is brand, but I honestly don't care about that stuff. You like what you like, regardless of whose name is on the tag and how much you spent. I've seen some truly horrific brand pieces, so it's really no way to judge clothing.

So it's a battle of three right here:

Brand: R-Series
     ♦ Antique Rosy Profile JSK


Brand: Rose Melody
     ♦ Princess Garden JSK


Brand: Rose Melody
     ♦ Polka Dots Strawberry JSK


I'm leaning towards the Rose Melody Strawberry dress, but for some reason I just can't let the Antique Rosy Profile print out of my head! It's floral pinkness is so unlike me, but I just keep going back to it. Although, it's also the most expensive of the three, which is a factor. I love the pattern on the Princess Garden, but I'm not sure if it's too much.

Decisions, decisions.

Oh, and I'm tossing around the idea of dropping Ethics, because it feels silly to take a class that isn't required to minor. Then again, it's only a seven-week course. Hm.

And I'm thinking about making all but my most private posts public - so that, in effect, I have a public journal. It just makes things easier.

I'm watching a bootleg copy of New Moon tonight! :)

twilight, lolita, university

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