Jan 10, 2007 12:54
What is with people saying that they "moved on," but their actions speak otherwise? For example: You had a huge quarrel with your friend and it resulted to the break-up of the friendship. Much battered egos all around. OK. Now, several months later you hear your ex-friend telling everyone else that she has moved on with her life. But how can it be when she keeps on bugging you? Or letting other people bug you? By "bugging you," I mean the bad kind: Whisper amongst themselves how much of a whore you are, or how much of a loser you are. Or worse: One of them would actually come up to you and say it to your face.
Is that what you call "moving on?" OK, I'm sure your ex-friend isn't entirely at fault here. You're also to blame since you can't help but feed the flames, so to speak. But you're not the one who claimed to have "moved on." The ex-friend did. You admitted that you haven't quite gotten over it, ergo there are still some angry emotions going around. That, I can understand. It takes a while to fully get over things like this.
However, let's go back to this ex-friend who has "moved on." Really. Is that you call "moving on?" I would expect a mature person to just wave his/her hand in dismissal and leave it be. After all, if this person thinks that you're not worth his/her time any longer, why would he/she even rant about you at all?
This is for the ex-friend: You say one thing yet you do another. You can make up excuses for your own behaviour, but if you really want to move on, just stop it. Pretend that the other person doesn't exist even. If the other person is bugging you, be an adult and ignore him/her.
I'm done. ;)
To anyone out there who hates Final Fantasy XII only because of its battle system, spare us from your bullshit, stop calling yourself a gamer, stop playing video games, and go die in a fire. Oh, and if you're still playing the game regardless of your hatred, kill yourself already and stop whining. :P1
1 And if you actually take this seriously, you're pathetic.
ETA: I just had the overwhelming need to inform everyone that my sister and brother-in-law just gave me CENARION BRACERS in WoW. MY FIRST EPIC ITEM OMG. I haven't been playing the game for a month now and it's a little difficult to adjust my schedule with our guild's raiding times, so getting DKP to bid for epic items can be a chore. ;_; I swear I'd give both of them a huge hug when we go to Australia this February. :D (It's official: We'll be leaving on the 13th and will be staying there 'til the 28th. If you have any requests, just holler. ^_~)